Looking for the Quark-Gluon Plasma


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Presentation transcript:

Looking for the Quark-Gluon Plasma In-Kwon YOO (yoo@pusan.ac.kr) Pusan National University Pusan, Republic of KOREA

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook From Universe ….. 1021 m 1017 m 1013 m 107 m 105 m 103 m 101 m 100 m In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook ………. To Microcosmos 1021 m 10-7 m 1017 m 10-9 m 1013 m 10-10 m 107 m 10-14 m 105 m 10-18 m 103 m 101 m 100 m In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

What is the World Made of ? : Quarks and Leptons Prologue Experiment Outlook What is the World Made of ? : Quarks and Leptons Modern atom model Hadrons Leptons In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Hadrons vs. Quark-Gluon-Plasma ? Prologue Experiment Outlook Hadrons vs. Quark-Gluon-Plasma ? MIT Bag Model q q inside of the Bag outside of the Bag Baryon Meson High Baryon density High Temperature deconfined Quarks Quark-Gluon-Plasma In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision Prologue Experiment Outlook Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision Ultra-Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamic Model AGeV = GeV/u In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook System Evolution N, K, p, g, e, m, … Nuclear Collisions L, X, S, f, … Expansion Temperature Falling Hadronization End of the hadronic Interactions Zeitraeumliche Entwicklung -> genauer Beschreibung Freeze out Stream out In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Motivation Basic Idea A+A Collision Experiment Collision Energy ~ 10 GeV/N+N Energy Density ~ 1 GeV/fm3 Results Zeitraeumliche Entwicklung -> genauer Beschreibung Outlook Low Hadrons High Quark & Gluons Degree of Freedom In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Anomalies in the Energy Dependence of the relevant observables Motivation Phase Transition Experiment T Results Zeitraeumliche Entwicklung -> genauer Beschreibung TC Outlook Q Anomalies in the Energy Dependence of the relevant observables In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Motivation Relevant Observables Particle Production Particle Multiplicity Multiplicity Distribution Experiment Varying Energy Level Varying System Size Particle Correlations rel. Momentum : HBT (BEC) Flow Results Strangeness Enhancement !! 8 min. Event-by-Event Analysis Multiplicity Fluctuation Charge-, pT- Fluctuation Outlook Something else ?? In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook Experimental Program AGS @ BNL Si, Au Beams 2 ~ 15 AGeV SIS @ GSI Bi, Au, Ni Beams max. 2 AGeV SPS @ CERN S, Pb Beams max. 158 AGeV RHIC @ BNL Au Beam 200 AGeV NA 49 LHC @ CERN - 5.5 TeV FAIR @ GSI - max. 30 AGeV In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Acceleraters – Labs : BNL Since 1947 Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) 1960. 0.37c  0.997c 33GeV for protons 11GeV for AuAu The Booster synchrotron 1991 completed. Preacceleration of particles entering the AGS ring. AGS-To-RHIC (ATR) transfer line. Bunches are directed either left to the clockwise RHIC ring or right to travel counter-clockwise in the second RHIC ring. Linear Accelerator (Linac). Protons 200 MeV (300 mA) for pA collisions. Late 1960’s. Tandem Van de Graaff 1970, 15MV, Ions, 24m Tandem-to-Booster line (TTB) 1986, 700m, 0.05c In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Experiments @ RHIC.BNL In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 the Broad Range Hadron Magnetic Spectrometer The Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Acceleraters – Labs : CERN 1959 LEP : 1989 LHC : 2007 1976 Acceleraters – Labs : CERN Since 1954 In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Experiments @ SPS.CERN NA44 : The Focussing Spectrometer for one and two particles NA45 (CERES) : Study of Electron Pair Production in Hadron and Nuclear Collisions Large Acceptance Hadron Spectrometer NA50 : Study of Muon Pairs and Vector Mesons WA98 : Direct photons Study of Strange and Multistrange Particles In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Experiments @ LHC.CERN In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Acceleraters – Labs : GSI Gesellschaft für SchwerIonenforschung Since 1954 SIS / ESR : 216m, 0.9c, 1993 FAIR (2012) : Beam Intensity x 10000 Ion Energy x 15 Antiproton beam 15GeV Cooled RI Beam UNILAC : 120m, 0.2c, 1985 In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Experiments @ SIS, FAIR.GSI Compressed Baryonic Matter In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 NA49 @ SPS.CERN In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook http://na49info.cern.ch Energy Scan (AGeV) : (20,30,) 40,80,158 System Scan : pp,C+C, Si+Si, Pb+Pb Elementary Reactions : p+p, p+p, d+p, p+A In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

NA49 Detector System (MTPC) Prologue Experiment Outlook NA49 Detector System (MTPC) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

NA49 Detector System (TOF) Prologue Experiment Outlook NA49 Detector System (TOF) MARBURG ! NIM A430 (1999) 210-244 In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

NA49 Detector System (TOF) Prologue Experiment Outlook NA49 Detector System (TOF) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook TPC Tracks (topview) Primary Vertex vs. Secondary Vertex In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Prologue Experiment Outlook TOF Hits (frontview) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Particle Identification Prologue Experiment Outlook Particle Identification Track Curvature Momentum Specific dE/dx Bethe-Bloch dE/dx PID Time-Of-Flight & Tracklength TPC-> tracking & dEdx KAON ! Velocity Mass TOF PID In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Resonance Reconstruction Prologue Experiment Outlook Resonance Reconstruction minv = [(E1+E2)2-(p1+p2)2]1/2 Identify secondary vertices Examples in Pb+Pb@158AGeV Lambda Lifetime .. ! Background WHAT DO WE HAVE NOW ? Pion, Kaon, proton, Lambda, Omega, Phi,.. In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

mT Spectra [d2N/(mT dydmT) ~ exp(mT/T)] Motivation mT Spectra [d2N/(mT dydmT) ~ exp(mT/T)] 20GeV 30GeV Experiment 40GeV Results Slope Parameter Temperatur 158GeV 80GeV Outlook In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Onset of Deconfinement ? ! Motivation Onset of Deconfinement ? ! <p> ~ Entropy Deconfinement : An Increase of Pion Yield at the Onset Experiment Strangeness Enhancement : Hadron Gas – Mixed Phase - QGP Results Anomaly in transverse Expansion Outlook Highly Interested Region : ELab ~ 20..30 GeV/u In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

STAR @ RHIC I.-K.Yoo Prof. Kang's Material

Solenoidal Tracker At Rhic In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 The STAR Detector Large acceptance: 2p coverage at mid-rapidity Magnet Coils Central Trigger Barrel (CTB) ZCal Time Projection Chamber (TPC) Year 2000 Barrel EM Cal (BEMC) Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) FTPC Endcap EM Cal FPD TOFp, TOFr FPD Year 2001+ PMD In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 STAR-TPC Performance In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Jet-Physics In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 p+p jet+jet (STAR@RHIC) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28 Jet Quenching J. Adams et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 072304 Near future: better PID Extend K, p, p pT range to 10 GeV/c  PHENIX Large solid angle PID  STAR Future steps: g-jet tomography  RHIC II In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28

Heavy Ion Meeting @ KOREA Prologue Experiment Outlook Heavy Ion Meeting @ KOREA http://nuri.pusan.ac.kr/~him 강주환 (연세대), 노만규 (saclay), 민동필 (서울대), 박인규 (서울시립대), 박태선 (KIAS), 송재준 (부산대), 신기량 (안동대), 신상진 (한양대), 심광숙 (고려대), 유인권 (부산대), 윤진희 (인하대), 이강석 (전남대), 이석준 (경희대), 이수종 (서울대), 이수형 (연세대), 이창환 (부산대), 전상용 (맥길대), 주관식 (명지대), 채종서 (원자력의학원), 최선호 (서울대), 최태근 (연세대), 홍병식 (고려대) … more and more.. (가나다 순.) In-Kwon YOO Yonsei Univ. Colloquium in Sep. 28