Preparation for the ICANN63 High Level Governmental Meeting Gema Campillos, Spain ICANN60 1 November 2017
Preliminary list of agenda topics Law enforcement and privacy considerations in the registration and use of domain names. Handling of public interest concerns in the coordination of Internet critical resources by the ICANN multistakeholder system. Jurisdictional and immunity issues around ICANN. Value added of a stronger involvement of Governments in the ICANN environment. DNS evolution in the light of cybersecurity, blockchain technologies and Internet of Things.
Management of sessions Aim: to dynamise sessions. How: organizing sessions around a panel of 4 to 5 members (moderator included). From the GAC side, only high level officials could be panelists. Selected by a call for volunteers. In needed, volunteers prompted by the GAC Leadership. ICANN could be represented in panels. Panelists´ interventions to be kept short to allow for interaction with the floor. First time experience: conduct one or two sessions according to this format, to test its results.