The 2008 SNA Research Agenda Measuring FISIM The European Task Force on FISIM Reimund Mink European Central Bank Meeting of the OECD Working Party on National Accounts Paris, 2 December 2010
European Task Force on FISIM The mandate of a new European Task Force on FISIM has been prepared in the course of this year Timetable (three meetings: October 2010, March and June 2011) Final report by end-2011 Change ESA 2010 if appropriate by modifying the current text This means that a proposed solution (if agreeable) can still be implemented according to the ESA 2010 in 2014
European Task Force on FISIM The Task Force addresses conceptual and practical aspects related to FISIM as currently applied in the EU(EC Regulation 448/98) The issues to be discussed by the Task Force are: How to reflect different maturities; different currency denominations; and varying degrees of default risks of deposits and loans in FISIM? How to derive price and volume measures?
European Task Force on FISIM Had its first meeting in Luxembourg on 4-5 October 2010 Benefits from the experience and knowledge of experts (EU and non-EU countries (U.S, Australia, Canada, Switzerland and Japan)) Discusses issue papers and test calculations Will have its next meeting in Frankfurt on 28-29 March 2011 (and its third meeting in Luxembourg in June 2011) Will provide progress reports to the CMFB, DMES and the ESA Review Group Will provide its final report by end-2011