MnDOT District Bicycle Plans Jake Rueter | Multimodal Planner Office of Transit and Active Transportation MPO Workshop - August 8, 2018
What have we been up to?
What have we been up to? Project Goals Define local bicycle routes on existing or planned facilities that will develop or connect the corridors identified in the State Bicycle Route Network 11/28/2018
What have we been up to? Project Goals Prioritize locations for bicycle infrastructure improvements Develop a framework to estimate the cost of building a statewide bicycle system 11/28/2018
What have we been up to? Since the last MPO Summer Workshop: Worked with MnDOT districts to reorient the project in a way that made sense given data challenges and resources available Developed investment priority routes with District partners Initial work on prioritization framework to guide investment on the Trunk Highway system Reframed the project assistance components of the project to offer assistance to more districts 11/28/2018
Project Re-orientation
Project Re-orientation Challenges with data availability/reliability Revisiting project goals to ensure that the end result will be meaningful for districts and local partners Three questions guided our thought process: Who is the intended audience of this plan? What are the desired outcomes or products? How will the completed plan be used? 11/28/2018
Project Re-orientation Who is the intended audience of this plan? MnDOT Districts + local transportation partners What are the desired outcomes or products? Identified corridors for investment Project prioritization tools How will the completed plan be used? Guide investment in targeted locations 11/28/2018
Investment Priority Route Identification
Investment Priority Route Identification Toole Design Group completed level of stress analysis on almost all MN roadways TDG-developed routing algorithm recommended lowest stress routes within State and District Priority Corridors Algorithm results were not ideal, largely based on incomplete data inputs 11/28/2018
Little Falls to Long Prairie Consultant Algorithm 11/28/2018 Bicycle Transportation |
Little Falls to Long Prairie State Bike Map 11/28/2018 Bicycle Transportation |
Little Falls to Long Prairie Google Maps 11/28/2018 Bicycle Transportation |
Investment Priority Route Identification Districts have been collaborating with local partners and Technical Advisory Committees to identify “Investment Priority Routes” IPRs would indicate where roadway authorities should consider prioritizing infrastructure investment to make improvements for people bicycling Combination of finding best current fit and what makes most sense for future investment 11/28/2018
Investment Priority Route Identification Investment priority routes will not be published as navigational guides People looking for route guidance will be directed to the State Bicycle Map 11/28/2018
Project Prioritization Framework
Project Prioritization Framework MnDOT has limited resources available for bicycle infrastructure investment Establishing priorities can help identify the highest impact projects 11/28/2018
Project Prioritization Framework Prioritization will take into consideration local and statewide policy considerations Generally consistent approach across districts with some flexibility 11/28/2018
Project Prioritization Framework Prioritization intended to be used only on MnDOT Trunk Highways Helpful way to organize data into pieces Some categories use objective data, some more subjective Each district discussing how to merge these two 11/28/2018
Combined Prioritization Scores How will scoring work? GIS Analysis Subjective Scoring Combined Prioritization Scores 11/28/2018
Prioritization Framework Categories A total of 29 criteria will be used from the following prioritization categories: Local Connections Population/Equity Activity Generators Network Plan Consistency Safety 11/28/2018
GIS Analysis 11/28/2018
Metro District Bicycle Plan
Metro District Bicycle Plan Key differences between Metro District and Greater MN Met Council’s Regional Bicycle Transportation Network and extensive planning in the 7-county metro area More spatial data available for analysis Focus on where MnDOT is part of or can compliment the established network 11/28/2018
Next Steps
Next Steps – Greater Minnesota Summer 2018 Apply and refine prioritization framework in each district Late summer/Early fall 2018 Interested districts have the opportunity to work with Toole Design Group on one bicycle project End of 2018 District Bicycle Plans completed 11/28/2018
Next Steps – Metro District Summer 2018 Continue refining and identifying spatial data to be used in prioritization framework Late summer/Early fall 2018 Conduct prioritization on three critical areas: Connections to Greater MN Districts RBTN where the TH is identified as the preferred route TH segments identified as routes in local plans End of 2018 Metro District Bicycle Plan completed 11/28/2018
MnDOT District Bicycle Plans Jake Rueter | Multimodal Planner Office of Transit and Active Transportation MPO Workshop - August 8, 2018