Finance Update and Budget Discussion May 2017
Summary of Finances through April 30 Offerings totaled $2,610,543. Budget was $2,614,277. Offerings have increased 1.7% over last year Expenses totaled $2,393,780 and were 8% under budget, primarily due to decreased personnel costs from open positions (Children’s & Student Ministers) Current year surplus through April 30 is $216,000.
2017-2018 Budget Process February 2017: Preliminary budget discussed with Church Council February-April 2017: Detailed budget developed by church staff April 2017: Detailed budget reviewed and approved by Church Treasurer Final budget reviewed and approved by the Church Council in April 2017.
2017-2018 Budget FY 2017/2018 Budget FY 2016/2017 Budget % Change Personnel $1,801,000 $1,535,383 17% Debt 684,600 692,000 -1% Facilities 417,419 370,062 13% Missions 215,596 220,654 -2% Ministry & Worship 155,937 139,898 11% Administrative 146,996 151,606 -3% Total $3,421,548 $3,109,603