213: Make It Move Bear Elective Adventure Presented by Heidi Lopez Cub Scout Pack 421 Cubmaster Chief Seattle Council 2018 Program & Training Conference
Make It Move Requirements 1. Exploding Craft Sticks Reaction 2. Two Simple Pulleys 3. Seasaw Lever 4A. & B. Rube Goldberg-style Machine
Make It Move Safe and Fun Program Where does this fit in Pack yearly plan? Consider safety Plan for budget, location, time Pick a theme Gather materials or have a list for parents Build and test the project beforehand Have Opening Games related to your build Mix it up from year to year Add a related Go See It Outing
What makes a fun STEM project for a 9 year old Bear Scout? They can learn something new and novel They can relate to it – cars, dinosaurs, heroes, animals, fire, explosions They can make or do it themselves They can play with it They can compete with it – cars, boats, rockets They can customize it with art (STEAM) using their name, colors, paint, their choice of animal
What makes a fun STEM project for an Adult Scout Leader? It is safe It is inexpensive or within budget It is easy to plan and implement There is a training video, good instructions, or someone has a sample It uses common items It can be completed in 20-40 minutes It is kinda fun even for an adult
Where do I find STEM ideas and projects? Scout Handbook Scout Shop Learning Centers Book Stores Toy & Game Stores Gardening Centers Hardware Stores Make It Move: PTC 2018
Where does a Mad Scientist find their ideas? Other Mad Scientists (Cubmasters, Scientists) Instructables - www.instructables.com Make Magazine - makezine.com American Science & Surplus - www.sciplus.com YouTube Pinterest - www.pinterest.com/hinternet Search terms - STEM, engineering for kids, science for elementary kids, math games for elementary kids, science projects Make It Move: PTC 2018
Make It Bigger and Better Videos Cobra Weave Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction by Kyle Webb www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5vYrxC5kmg Small Rube Goldberg Set Ups https://youtu.be/863z_eHGIJw Big Impressive Rube Goldberg Set Ups https://youtu.be/Y8cuuP4Jmio Make It Move: PTC 2018
What about local STEM outings? Bellevue College Planetarium www.bellevuecollege.edu/astronomy/planetarium/ Brightwater Clean-Water Treatment Center www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/brightwater-center/education.aspx 21 Acres 21acres.org/ Spencer Island Park, bird sanctuary in Everett snohomishcountywa.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/Spencer-Island-76 Living Computer Museum, Seattle www.livingcomputers.org/ Ballard Locks www.ballardlocks.org/ Imagine Children’s Museum, Everett www.imaginecm.org/ Make It Move: PTC 2018
More Outings Make It Move: PTC 2018 Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture www.burkemuseum.org/ Pacific Science Center, Seattle www.pacificsciencecenter.org/ Museum of Flight www.museumofflight.org Northwest Railway Museum www.trainmuseum.org Bellevue Botanical Garden www.bellevuebotanical.org/ Lake Washington Ham Club, Ham radio for children www.lakewashingtonhamclub.org/ Maker Clubs makersclubseattle.com/ Lego stores and BrickCon brickcon.org/ Make It Move: PTC 2018
213: Make It Move - Last Slide To record your evaluation and attendance from a mobile device, go to https://seaptc.org and click "Class Evaluation.“ The evaluation code for this session is 9782 Thank you for your time and attention! Scouting - 12 Points of the Scout Law