CCR 12 Week 1 2016-2017 School Year
Wednesday 8/17 Bell Ringer Pick up a syllabus and read through it. Write down any questions you have and place it on your desk. Grab 3-4 Post-It notes and answer the questions on the large posters around the room. Lastly, find your assigned seat (seating chart on podium). What will you need in order to be successful this year? What will Mrs. Webster need to do to help you be successful this year? What do you expect to learn in this class? This class is important because…
Agenda: Bell Ringer PBIS Student Handbook Paperwork Requirements for course Syllabus overview Get to Know You
PBIS: Voice Levels & Hallway Expectations: Keep Moving, Right Side, Be Kind, Keep It Clean
Student Handbook As we review the student handbook, write on a Post-It any questions you have. Then on your desk, write down any areas of the handbook you would like to change.
Paperwork: Fill out what you can. Make sure your parents sign what they need to Return to the school ASAP!
Thursday 8/19 Bell Ringer: Senior Meetings Today!
Friday Bell Ringer: Write a quick paragraph about what you did this summer. Include any books you read. Include at least one way you used your knowledge of grammar or reading this summer. Name --> Date --> Bell Ringer 8/19 Be prepared to share.
Friday Agenda: Bell Ringer Remind App Grammar to Go Overview Strategies SSR Exit Slip
Remind App: The only time you will be allowed to use your phone! Don’t make me regret it. Text @ccrdhs to 81010 By doing this, I will be able to remind you about important dates coming up and assignment due dates etc. Once finished, put phone away
Requirements: Grammar To Go Through-out the course, you will teach one aspect of grammar. I will begin with the basic Parts of speech. You will be given days in class to work on your G2G lesson, but will also need to work on it at home. You will pick 3 topics you are interested in learning more about by Friday, and I will assign you at least one. Keep in mind the date you will present; being late will jeopardize your grade as well as the class dynamics. Do not pick a topic you know you will not be able to present! Yes, this sounds daunting, but I will help you along the way.
Grammar to Go Lesson Your lesson will consist of the following: Intro to topic A quick pre-assessment (bell ringer) Rules and examples of topic Teach the topic to class A worksheet for the class to follow along with, or work on An activity or game to help demonstrate/practice the topic A visual (PowerPoint, podcast, infographic, Prezi, etc) A final assessment to prove students learned the topic (this could be a quiz or a worksheet they complete for homework, or an exit slip) You decide if it goes in the gradebook Timed: at least 15 minutes, no longer than 30!
At Quarter End: You can either test out of CCR12 by: Passing the KYOTE test (see Mrs. Newsome to sign up) You can take it as early as Sept 27th Hitting benchmarks on the ACT (see Mrs. Newsome to sign up) If you are unable to test out, you will repeat the Reading and English practices
Let’s Brain Storm There are 18 ‘strategies’ to help you with the Reading ACT. Each one of you will take one of them and give a quick summary. The number you will summarize is at the top of your packet. Read it and then get a white piece of paper and put the following on it: Title of strategy Short Summary Example An easy way to remember the strategy You will share your strategy when the timer goes off. We will hang them around the room for your practice test Monday!
Books We are going to go to the library to check out a book for SSR Wednesdays. On Monday & Tuesday, bring a pencil On Wednesday bring your book.
Your Opinion: Exit Slip Would you rather: Reading Plus Monday & Tuesday; Grammar Thursday & Friday Reading Plus Thursday & Friday; Grammar Monday Tuesday