What is the LEQ? The Long Essay requires you to present arguments on two sides of an issue and provide reasons why you choose one argument over the other. Ex: “Historians label autumn as the best season. To what extent is this an accurate description of autumn?” You must argue with SPECIFIC examples/evidence that this label is accurate AND give COUNTER ARGUEMENTS against the label with specific examples/evidence IN THE END, explain why one side is more accurate than the other The idea here is to show complexity in your thinking, and not write about history as a one-sided affair. It doesn’t matter which side you pick as long as you can back up your argument with SPECIFICS.
General Rules DO: Write in 3rd person Write in past tense DON’T: NEVER: I, we, us, you, your, me, mine Write in past tense DON’T: Contractions: don’t, won’t, shouldn’t Meaningless Words/Phrases: very, a lot, since the beginning of time, across history Absolutes: always, never, all the time
Tips – C. Evidence DON’T regurgitate textbook info PLAGIRISM ANSWER THE QUESTION BY ANNOTATING PROMPT! Prompt 1: Describe and explain significant similarities and significant differences between the intellectual and social traditions expressed in Italian Renaissance and Northern Renaissance art. Prompt 3: Describe and explain significant similarities and significant differences between TWO New Monarchs in their approach to domestic and foreign affairs. About half just used these words in thesis; other half did not both bad
Tips – C. Evidence Be specific! Art in Italian Renaissance was idealized, art in Northern Renaissance not. As evidenced in Michelangelo’s The Sistine Chapel, Italian Renaissance art idealized its subjects to show the unlimited nature of human potential; Northern Renaissance art utilized realism as a means of celebrating God’s creation as evidence in Brueghel's pieces depicting peasant life. Hanging evidence: do not merely identify evidence – identify AND EXPLAIN! Louis was more concerned with foreign affairs while Henry VII was focused on domestic issues. As evidenced by his standing army and efforts to pacify France’s border, Louis had a more foreign focus while Henry VII was focused on stabilizing domestic politics following the civil war called the War of the Roses.
Historical Thinking Skill: Comparison
Comparison Essay Format Comparison LEQ This essay may ask you to evaluate the significance of a person or event in terms of similarities and differences. Think: Categorized Venn Diagram Paragraph 1: Intro Identify and explain the main similarities and differences Contextualization Thesis Ex: Perhaps the greatest (sim or diff) was (provide either a sim or a diff). You have to lean more one way or another - NEVER in the middle Paragraph 2: Body (Similarity/Difference) Discuss a major, relevant significant similarity Provide SPECIFIC evidence s Paragraph 3: Body (Similarity/Difference) Discuss a major, relevant significant difference Paragraph 4: Greatest Similarity OR Difference MUST be ONE paragraph Discuss THE greatest similarity OR difference Remember: you are taking a side so you have to lean more one way or another – NEVER in the middle Paragraph 5: Conclusion Conclude with a summary that accurately reflects all the terms of the question, with specificity. In other words, re-write your thesis in another way.
Comparison Tips SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Prompt asks for both so not to identify and explain both does not fully answer prompt Identify (articulate a clear similarity or difference) and explain (why, reason, significance) N. and Italian Renaissance art both depicted religious subjects N. and Italian Renaissance art depicted religious subjects due to the fact that the Catholic Church was the prevailing political, religious, and social power during the Renaissance.