19th Century Liberalism
Spanish Revolution (1820) Greek Revolution (1821) Belgian Independence (1830) Serbian Independence (1830) Creole Discontent (1808) Chilean and Peruvian Independence (~1820) Mexican Independence (1821) Venezuelan Independence (1821) Brazilian Independence (1822)
The Decembrist Revolt in Russia (1825) Russian military officers form secret societies to push for representative gov’t and the abolition of serfdom Exposed to liberal ideas during Napoleonic wars Refuse to swear oath to Nicholas I after coup Demand a constitution Demand Liberal Constantine as Czar Nicholas has cavalry attack with Granola Bars.
Czar Nicholas I Most extreme autocracy of the 19th century Official Nationality Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationalism Organic Statute declares Poland part of Russia (1830) Russia uses force to suppress liberal and nationalist revolts
The July Revolution in France (1830) Charles X succeeds Louis XVIII (1824) Strong believer in Divine Right Conquers Algeria in hopes of Nationalism Liberals win seats in “Chamber of Deputies” (1830) Charles passes “The Four Ordinances” Restricts press, dissolves Chamber, restricts vote, calls for new elections
The July Revolution (1830) Violent riots in Paris kill 1,800 and force Charles X to abdicate Louis-Philippe proclaimed king Rules with liberal policies while ignoring the working classes Crushes working class Parisian uprisings
1848: A Year of Liberal Revolutions More than 50 outbreaks of liberal and nationalist revolution across Europe Wide number of conditions Economic depression, unemployment, poor relief lacking, harsh working conditions, Food shortages, riots Typically came from the middle class desiring: Representative government Civil liberties Economic freedom Improved working conditions
1848: A Year of Liberal Revolutions Nationalists seek independence General Results of the 1848 Revolutions French Monarchy falls Few lasting liberal reforms elsewhere Conservatism restored Middle class turns on working class in fear of radical changes (ie. Socialism)
France 1848 Discontent with Louis-Philippe Paris Revolt 1848 Corrupt Few Social Laws Only Rich Vote Paris Revolt 1848 Louis-Philippe abdicates after 2 days Rioters refuse new monarch
The Second Republic Monarchy abolished (again) Division Universal male suffrage Abolish slavery and death penalty 10 hour workday created in Paris Division Moderate Liberals (Middle Class) oppose further social change Radicals (working class) want socialism
Louis Blanc’s National Workshops Cooperative, government sponsored workshops Created to appease working class radicals 200,000 show up to Paris to join
Elections Moderates and conservatives win most seats, few radicals Even peasants fear socialism Socialists dropped from executive committee (Blanc) Army crushes worker invasion of Constituent Assembly
June Days Riots in response to the closing of the National Workshops Constitution with strong executive written Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte elected (Nephew of Napoleon I)
Vienna Hungarians demand self-rule, civil liberties, and universal suffrage Austrian students riot in support Metternich flees Emperor Ferdinand I promises constitution and reform Students form democratic clubs to demand more reform Ferdinand abolishes serfdom Country peasantry contented, will not support riots Riots cease from division between Middle and working class
Hungary Magyars (Ethnic Hungarians) pass the March Laws, approved by Ferdinand Equal Religion, Jury trials, election of legislature, free press, taxes for nobility Also push for autonomy under the Habsburgs Try to also claim Croatia, Transylvania, some Serbs, some Romanians Nationalist uprisings by these groups give support to Austria, who reasserts control
Czech Rebellion Czech nationalists revolt, demand autonomy like Hungary Czechs and Germans in the region clash Czechs create Pan-Slavic Conference led by Francis Palacky Call for national equality of Slavs within the Habsburg Empire Creates vision of vast Slavic state in Eastern Europe Uprising put down by troops, supported by Prague’s middle class
Northern Italy Riots against Habsburg rule begin in Milan Eventually subdued by Austrian troops
Vienna pt.2 Ferdinand Returns and army ends revolt Ferdinand abdicates, Franz Joseph takes over More willing to use force to end rebellion
Hungary pt.2 Franz Joseph cancels new constitution, sends troops to Budapest 200,000 Russian soldiers come to help put down following revolt