Morning Warm- Up. Everything changes. Once you were a new baby Morning Warm- Up! Everything changes. Once you were a new baby. What are some things babies do? Now you can do other things. How do we change as we grow?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about a young boy and an old man Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a young boy and an old man. They are special friends. Do you think people still grow and change when they are old?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about things that change Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about things that change. We’ll see that just about everything can change. Can you think of anything that can’t change?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about a boy who grows Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a boy who grows. Now he needs a new coat and new boots. What happens to your clothes when you get bigger?
Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about ways children change as they grow to be healthy adults. What are some ways you can take a measurement of how much you are growing?