What should we do if we have pimples 暗瘡and body odour體臭? What does Carol worry about? She worries about her pimples.
Excess oil 油脂 clogs阻塞 the pores皮脂腺的管道 which causes a pimple to develop.
Why are boys and girls at puberty prone to have pimples? 為甚麼青春期長暗瘡的情況較普遍? The hormonal changes in their bodies cause excess oil to be secreted which clogs the pores.因為青春期的男女賀爾蒙刺激皮脂腺分泌,產生大量油脂。
Why does Carol have pimples? Do not pay attention to personal hygiene Eat oily and spicy food Emotional
Why does Carol have pimples? Refuse to eat vegetables and fruits Not enough sleep
She hides her face with her hair. Is Carol doing the right things about her pimples? Why or why not? She hides her face with her hair. No. Because the dirt and grease in the hair may worsen her skin condition.
She squeezes her pimples. Is Carol doing the right things about her pimples? Why or why not? She squeezes her pimples. No. Because the skin will become infected which may leave scars.
James is embarrassed at his body odour James is embarrassed at his body odour. Which body parts are likely to give off unpleasant odour? Why are boys and girls at puberty prone to have body odour? During puberty, the hormonal changes in the body increase secretion of sweat and oil which comes into contact with the bacteria and dirt on the skin surface and produces an unpleasant odour. Underarm 腋下 Pubic area 陰部
What can James do to reduce his body odour? Shower daily 勤洗澡 Eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more water Change into clean clothes regularly勤換衣物
What can James do to reduce his body odour? Stay in a good mood Wear clothes made of breathable fabrics Apply talcum (baby) powder or deodorant
Pimples and body odour are common problems at ______________. We should practise good living habits and personal _____________. puberty hygiene
What should we pay attention to during menstruation? Sanitary pads are used to absorb menstrual flow吸收經血so as to avoid soiling沾染our clothes.
What should we pay attention to during menstruation? Tips on the uses of sanitary pads: Wash your hands before handle sanitary pads (2) Wrap used pads and put them into the bin, (3) Choose suitable pads according to your needs按使用時間和經血量
Menstrual cramp It is caused by the contraction of the uterus during menstruation. It is affected by body condition, environment and psychological factors.
These are the things girls should pay attention to during menstruation These are the things girls should pay attention to during menstruation. Which of them do you do? Put a in the . Have a balanced diet Practise good personal hygiene Change sanitary pads regularly
Get enough rest Do exercise regularly Be in a good mood
Carol forgot that today is the first day of her menstrual cycle. Always mark the date that you start menstruating so you’ll be prepared for the next cycle.