TONE. The way the author feels.
What is the tone? Cheerful Apologetic Sarcastic Bossy Disrespectful Realistic Humorous Timid Hesitant Complimentary Hopeful Critical Ironic Indifferent Alarming Serious Mocking Joyful Bold Angry Sad Sincere Playful Uncertain Thoughtful Grateful Defeated Secure Rude Confident Gloomy Dishonest Demanding Respectful Threatening Annoyed Uplifting Insecure Proud Playful
What is the tone? Cheerful Apologetic Sarcastic Bossy Disrespectful Realistic Humorous Timid Hesitant Complimentary Hopeful Critical Ironic Indifferent Alarming Serious Mocking Joyful Bold Angry Sad Sincere Playful Uncertain Thoughtful Grateful Defeated Secure Rude Confident Gloomy Dishonest Demanding Respectful Threatening Annoyed Uplifting Insecure Proud Playful
What’s the tone??? Mary stopped at the edge of the park to enjoy the scene. Her eyes wandered over the lake. It was a windless morning, and the lake was as still as glass. Her eyes drifted towards the ground. It looked like a patchwork quilt, colored by the yellow, orange, and red leaves that drifted lazily from the trees. Movement caught her eyes, and she watched a flock of geese fly over the lake. She wished she was a bird, able to fly and drink up the views of this breathtaking fall day. a) gloomy B) peaceful c) humorous d) playful
What’s the tone??? 2. Thump. The sound woke him up. His eyes shot open. Marcos held his breath. His heart was racing, the beating filling his ears. He strained to listen over the pulsating. Poking his head out from under the blanket he tried to stop his shaking. The moon filtered in from the windows, casting threatening shadows throughout his room. Thump. Marcos squealed as he threw his blanket over his head, praying it would protect him. a) dreamy b) childish c) fearful d) gentle
3. “Hush, little baby, don't say a word 3. “Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird,” Lily began, singing her baby to sleep while cradling him in her arms. As she sang, she looked at her son. His pink cheeks, curly hair, and button nose were all so perfect. There was so much love in her heart. She gently kissed his cheek and listened to his deep breathing. Finally, he was asleep, but she couldn’t make herself put him down. She wanted to hold and protect him forever. a) affectionate b) serious c) forceful d) cheerful
Now you try!!! When you’ve finished writing your answers, tape your handout in your notebook on the next clean page. Above the handout, title the page “TONE”. 4. 5. 6.
Tone Notes Below the handout, or on the next page, add the following notes for tone. Definition- how the AUTHOR felt about the writing piece Examples- (choose the 10 that seem MOST likely to you) Hopeful Mocking Critical Joyful Ironic Bold Indifferent Angry Alarming Serious Cheerful Hesitant Insecure Apologetic Complimentary Proud Sarcastic Gloomy Playful Bossy Dishonest Disrespectful Demanding Respectful Realistic Threatening Humorous Annoyed Timid Uplifting Sad Secure Sincere Rude Playful Confident Uncertain Thoughtful Grateful Defeated