Kai Taylor P.E.R.S.I.A. Comparison Hitler v.s. Stalin Kai Taylor P.E.R.S.I.A. Comparison
Politics - Hitler Began as a soldier in the army After World War One he remained in the service and rose in power amongst the ranks He was tasked by the police force to spy on the German Workers Party While spying he found he shared many of the same views and joined the party as their 55th member after he was discharged from the army Through this party he became a strong speaker and the party began to gain momentum as they were known for their rowdy thought provoking speeches Focused on a strong central government
Politics - Stalin Stalin began his political scope during the Russian Revolution Helped overthrow the original government and was elected to Bolshevik Central Committee Also fought in the Russian Civil war after being elected to People's Commissar for Nationalities' Affairs Engineered the 1921 Red Army Invasion of Georgia Focused on a strong central government
Economics - Hitler Encouraged women to stay home and nurture children Weapon factories increased which allowed even more jobs Women were sent home so men could take their jobs Most of the money for the Rebuilding of the government came from money manipulation by Hjalmar Schacht
Economics - Stalin Promoted industrialization and insured all of the USSR became industrialized at break neck speed Pushed for central control of the economy and more strings for the government to pull Stalin's new economy ran well but had plenty of room for government intervention should it be required
Religion - Hitler Raised as a Roman Catholic It has never been verified whether he attended mass or received any religious sacraments He continued to pay church taxes to his church but this is not a reliable gauge
Religion - Stalin Went to Russian Orthodox Church Helped rebuild the religion after thousands of monks priests and nuns were killed in the Great Purge of 1937–1938 Shortly before his death thousands of religious people were persecuted and hundreds of churches were razed
Social - Hitler Consisted of a Working Class and a Political Class Working Class consisted primarily of lower jobs such as factory workers, street cleaners, and other low class jobs Political Class consisted of educated politicians and ‘People with Big Hats’
Social - Stalin Classes were not very distinct All major classes were struggling to become more defined Consisted of many ‘exploiter’ classes which preyed on the weaker classes and stole goods and money
Intellectual - Hitler During the Holocaust times the public was afraid to express their true thoughts and feelings (e.g. Newspaper Magazine etc.) Faced execution for printing provocative things Many underground writing groups began which faced death to expose the true meaning behind German Propaganda
Intellectual - Stalin Looser expression of feelings Stalin encouraged the writing and reading of newspapers Stalin also performed some underground tactics which he kept very secret lest risk exposing them to the newspapers such as the Order No. 270
Artistic - Hitler Very little art was produced during this time for the same reason as very few newspapers being truly free Very risky as a lot of art could be considered to be provocative to the government and cause an unnecessary stir Again underground art distribution groups began for those who were Anti Hitler
Artistic - Stalin Very little art was produced during this time due to the risk of being marked as a traitor Stalin hated traitors “Stalin had deserters and renegades publicly executed as traitors” Again underground artists began and worked in secret with those who were also against Stalin
THANKS Absolutist Power Point By Kai Taylor Works Cited Stalin Hitler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin Hitler http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler