Good Evening and Welcome Miss Cassady, Principal
About me… Improved the second worst performing school in England and Wales Won the national award for Outstanding Progress – secondary school - July 2017 Worked in high performing and challenging schools, HEI and for Advisory Services
My values as a leader… We are a TEAM We support and develop each other We give our very best to the young people in our care regardless of starting point We look for the best in each other and our students
Last half term… Getting to know the Team Getting to know CVC: Met staff – individuals, pairs or groups Met groups of students Why do things work as they do? What are CVCs strengths? What are CVCs areas for development?
Non-Negotiables… We meet, greet and welcome students We create highly effective working relationships with students, parents and each other We are consistent in our practice We have a high staff presence in corridor and around the College We continuously promote high expectations and a culture of success and celebration Students receive high quality teaching and learning every lesson Students receive a rich knowledge based curriculum which promotes high quality knowledge, skills and understanding Students receive quality feedback which helps them make effective progress Students behave well Communication to Parents / Carers is effective Staff are well supported and experts in their field
What the data says… The strengths: P8 Well Above Average +0.48 Confidence interval of 0.29 – 0.7 In the top 12% schools nationally A8 is significantly above national: 50.7points (NA: 44.2pts) Achieving the EBACC at grade 5/C and above is significantly above national: 36% (NA: 19.5%) Grade 5 or above in EN / MA is significantly above national: 62% (NA: 39.10%) Students staying in education or training significantly above national: 100% (NA: 94%)
What the data says… Areas for improvement: SEN Students: Disadvantaged / PP Students FSM CIC Forces Students Ever6 SEN Students: Statement / EHCP SEN K
Actions already taken… Safeguarding Review Health and Safety Review SEN Review PP Review
What the Stakeholders say so far… Strengths: Quality staff who know the students Students work with the staff Our students Caring and community atmosphere Behaviour Facilities Extra Curricular The food! Sports Day Trips, residentials and activities week
Areas for development… Pastoral structures Communication if students have issues House System Uniform Rewards system Consistency Buildings – toilets, changing rooms
Vision… To be in the top 5% in the country To have a strong and effective culture of celebration and success To be an exceptional College and have a vibrant learning community where students are happy, successful, resilient and confident learners who are skilled and well prepared for their future
Parent views please… Strengths… Areas for development…