The protagonist (or main character) is the central figure in the work. Types of Characters The protagonist (or main character) is the central figure in the work. The antagonist is the character or force pitted against the protagonist.
More types of characters… A static character stays the same. A dynamic character is one who does change.
A round character is a complex, fully developed character.
Flat Character A flat character is a one-dimensional character, typically not central to the story
The protagonist is usually… The central character A character the reader can identify with Has a rounded personality (we hear what they say, what others say about them, we know what they think and how they feel) A character with a dynamic personality
Secondary characters are usually… Static Flat
Character Motivation A motive is a reason that explains or partially explains a character’s thoughts, feelings, actions, or speech. If the motives of a main character are not clear, then the character will not be believable.
Character Motivation Characters are often motivated by needs, such as food and shelter. They are also motivated by feelings, such as fear, love, and pride. Motives may be obvious or hidden.
Character’s Qualities or Traits The personal traits that make up the character’s personality.
Dialogue Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. Dialogue is usually set off by quotation marks to indicate a speaker’s exact words.