Golf Parent Meeting
Coaching Staff Head Coach: Assistant Coach: Doug Sandburg 5 years boys Head Coach/ 2 year Girls Head Coach 5 years Varsity Assistant Coach Email: Assistant Coach: Stephane Wittman 1st year Assistant Coach Email:
Practice 5 days a week Make a commitment to practice—3 absence limit Monday/Thursday—Falcon Lakes Wednesday/Friday—Sunflower Hills Tuesday—Twin Oaks Make a commitment to practice—3 absence limit Excused absences—school activities, college visits, etc. Coach must be informed Can cause a loss of tournaments Unexcused absenses 3 dismissed from team Loss of practice time Sunflower offers free golf after 3pm on Saturday Golf clubs can be stored in West office or the Golf Htting room if Locker are available
Practice Behavior Discipline Golf appropriate behavior is expected on the course No cussing or inappropriate language No chewing tabacco No horse play, etc. Discipline Will be dealt with in a case by case manner Severity of the offense Nature of the offense Range: Loss of practice time Loss of tournament Dismissal from the program
Grades Failing Grades No practice for the week Attendance of Tongie Tutoring or work with teacher required Can limit opportunities for tournaments Encourage kids to use AAA wisely
Groupings Early in Season put them together by ability JV and Varsity decided after about 2 weeks Tournaments Qualifying: three rounds of 9 holes Auto qualifiers: any one who shoots three nines of 45 Other qualifiers based on score and coaches discretion 6 Varsity positions 6 JV positions
Attire Golf Course attire/practice attire Khaki pants/shorts and a collared shirt No denim and tee shirts Dress for the weather. We will practice in 35 degrees. Always pack rain gear and stocking cap. Golf Polo will be worn on tournament day Pictures will be announced. Team Connection Store to purchase
Levels of Golf Instruction Practice-Range time Play-on the course Equipment Compete-Tournament Double Bogey dev. No Instruction Season Schedule During Season Dated set No competition Bogey/JV Parent/Friend Schedule, occasional daily play During season, some daily play Dated set and lower quality HS schedule Par/Varsity High School Coach Scheduled Most weekends, Some during off-season Mult. 18 holes each week Comp. quality set HS schedule, summer league KJGA tourney Birdie/State golfer PGA Instructor All weekends, Majority of days in offseason 3-4 18’s each week Set fitted to the players HS, KJGA, AJGA, State tourney
Tournaments Golf team will provide water for them Create a Fuel Bag Fruit snacks Beef jerky Ritz Bits Clif bars P3 portable pack Almonds Trail mix Afterward we will go get something to eat. (they will need money)
Important Dates August 6--Parent Meeting August 13 --First day of Practice Must have Physical in . August 24--Introduction at the Red/White Scrimmage September 15--State tourney TBA--Banquet to be announced.