Training election inspectors part i Calhoun county 2018 Election Cycle
Introduction & Overview Welcome! Thank you for serving as an Election Inspector! There is a lot of information to learn/review, so the training is divided into a few different sessions – learn in your small local precinct setting, review videos available online, attend supplemental training sessions, and finally attend a group session on July 12 to complete your 2-year Certification. 2018 is a year full of ‘NEW’ items – new voting equipment including a new Voter Assist Terminal, a new ballot for the VAT, new Voting Devices (iButton/Key Fob, Compact flash cards, Smart Cards), some new pages in the Pollbook, the QVF Refresh is new, a new Provisional Ballot form, new Validity Standards, a new Script for ballot errors, and a new political party qualified to appear on the Primary Ballot (Libertarian Party), …….
LIBERTARIAN PARTY The Libertarian Party received more than 5% of the SoS vote in 2016 and achieved access to the 2018 ballot. This is NOT the same a ‘Major’ Political Party. Libertarians did not become a major political party – they obtained primary ballot access. In law, there are still only 2 MAJOR political parties – Republican and Democratic Party.
Introduction & Overview Training Handouts Part 1 Handouts: Training Points Booklet, new forms, etc. (read bullet points and emphasize Special Points of Interest in each section, discuss/review these details for your specific precinct) Quick Reference Guide for ICP and ICX Training Resources Managing Your Precinct on Election Day (flip chart) Training Coordinator Workbook (activities) ICP and ICX Opening/Closing reminders EPB Inspector’s User Manuals: Windows 10 or Windows 7 MiBoE YouTube Videos website
Election inspector training points booklet Updated January 2018 Refer to handout and/or LINK to training booklet COVERING THE BASICS
COVERING the Basics Opening and closing the polls Opening the Polls Review New pages in the Pollbook for Oaths and Election Inspectors’ Preparation Certificate (reference next slide) – inspectors only sign ONCE! Review setting up the New ImageCast Precinct (ICP) (refer to Slide 8) Review setting up the New ImageCast X (ICX), also known as the Voter Assist Terminal (VAT) (refer to Slide 8) Closing the Polls Watch 7:35 minutes BoE video (refer to Slide 9) Review New pages in the Pollbook for Inspectors’ Completion Certificate (refer to Slide 10) Attach Tabulator Tape on Certificate rather than Statement of Votes Review closing down ICX and ICP (refer to Slide 11)
OPENING THE POLLS Poll Book Changes – Chairperson takes Oath Complete ALL steps in Preparation Certificate Inspectors sign NOTE: READ WHAT YOU ARE SIGNING! Inspectors who arrive later-in-the-day sign in Section 4
OPENING THE POLLS New Voting Equipment ImageCast Precinct: ICP Also reference QRG Starting up the Tabulator 2) ImageCast X: ICX or VAT Also reference QRG Setting up the ICX, and Loading the ICX
Covering the Basics Closing the polls – new video BoE YouTube Video Closing of the Polls Ballot Summary & Pollbook Completion 7:35
CLOSING THE POLLS Poll Book Changes – Inspectors Completion Certificate Seal Verification All Inspectors present at the Close sign Certificate Attach Tabulator Tape to this page (instead of Statement of Votes page)
CLOSING THE POLLS New Voting Equipment ImageCast Precinct: ICP Also reference QRG Closing the Polls 2) ImageCast X: ICX or VAT
Processing voters / voter id Completing the application to vote This is your Back-up Pollbook! Don’t forget …. Be sure it is COMPLETE! Compare to Electronic Pollbook (EPB) (hold up to screen when comparing) Inspector must ‘sign-off’ using their initials Suggestion: Use a visual to highlight required areas, laminate!
Processing voters / voter id verify the voter’s identity Don’t be over aggressive … Compare voter standing in front of inspector vs. photo. Photo > > Photo > > Name > > Name > > STOP! (no address check) Driver’s License * State Personal ID * Federal or State Issued ID * US Passport * Military ID * Student ID * Tribal ID
Processing voters / voter id verify the voter’s identity Must be asked to show ID - cannot use CWP (Concealed Weapon Permit) because it is County issued. Refer to BoE signage for other options. If no ID, voter must sign Affidavit of Voter not in Possession of Picture ID. If refuse to show ID or sign affidavit, do not issue ballot. Don’t use Affidavit if voter does have ID on them. Driver’s License * State Personal ID * Federal or State Issued ID * US Passport * Military ID * Student ID * Tribal ID
Processing voters / voter id verify the voter’s registration
Covering the Basics participants Poll watchers Anyone interested in observing Public Area Not allowed to challenge May not approach voters May not be a candidate May look at the pollbook at the Chairperson’s discretion Challengers Appointed by political parties Two allowed per party, only one challenger per party has authority to challenge – must declare an authority change May challenge a voter’s right to vote May challenge inspectors if proper procedure is not followed Must carry credentials issued by party May be expelled for being disorderly May be behind the pollworker tables Must be registered to vote in Michigan May view pollbook Campaigners 100 ft. from any entrance Encouraging voters to vote for a candidate or issue Distributing campaign materials Soliciting petition signatures Requesting donations, selling tickets, etc. Wear campaign materials
Voters with disabilities Over 20% of Michigan’s population is disabled. Voters with disabilities Basic Understanding ASSISTING VOTERS
Voters with disabilities Physical disabilities ASSISTING VOTERS
Voters with disabilities Hearing disabilities ASSISTING VOTERS
Voters with disabilities - Disability that cannot be seen. Voters with disabilities Cognitive disabilities ASSISTING VOTERS
Voters with disabilities Visual disabilities ASSISTING VOTERS
Rejected ballots updated ballot rejection scripts
Covering the Basics Voters Who Have Moved – new video BoE YouTube Video Voters Who Have Moved, 1:05
Covering the Basics provisional ballot video BoE YouTube Video Provisional Ballots, 6:03
When does it go in the tabulator Provisional Ballots When does it go in the tabulator Not on the registration list Not registered at another address in your jurisdiction Swear they registered by close of registration Provides Picture ID with proof of residency
Provisional Ballots All other scenarios Goes safely into an envelope for review by the Clerk after the Election
Covering the Basics Absent Voters at the polls Surrender the Ballot Brought AV to Polls Call Clerk or check pile to verify not returned Complete Lost or Stolen AV Affidavit Lost or Destroyed Ballot Clerk Rejects AV in QVF as not to accept later in the day Never Received Ballot Changed Their Mind
Covering the Basics processing Absentee Ballots Verify signature Verify registration Determining the legality of ballot Process multiple ballots Teams of 2, differing parties Hold ballots back (to maintain secrecy) Maintaining ballot secrecy
Covering the Basics Processing AV’s -ballot Duplication Careful review of validity standards Remove ballot stubs FIRST Two people BoE YouTube Video Duplicating Ballots, 2:20
Voting system changes Write-In Candidates Overview Only votes cast for write‐in candidates who have submitted a Declaration of Intent may be counted A Declaration of Intent by 4 p.m. on the 2nd Friday before election Clerk provides a list of valid write‐ins Elections inspectors may not provide write‐in candidate names to voters Recording Write‐Ins Use paper pollbook Declared Write‐In Tally of Votes sheet Only candidates on valid list should be recorded Record valid candidates exactly as cast using the tally system Example: Robert Smith IIII, Bob Smith IIII I Total each line and record
Recountability and Receiving Boards – properly sealed containers Does the container open? Is the seal secure? Is the ballot container certificate in place with the correct seal number written on it? Two Door Ballot Container Interlocking Zipper Bag Ballot Container Blue Bag with Wheels Ballot Container Metal Cube Ballot Container Plastic Tub Ballot Container Blue Bag Ballot Container Round Metal Can Ballot Container Inappropriate Ballot Container
Covering the Basics Recountability & receiving boards Required - ensures recountability Optional – ensures a good canvass and audit
Covering the Basics receiving boards MANDATORY! Checks and Balances to ensure the INTEGRITY of the Election! Use Checklist (may use Board of Canvasser checklist) to catch mistakes. Consider the Receiving Board as the ‘Administration’ – use to print reports AND to organize reports into the proper place in the Electronic Pollbook. Be certain to check seals to make sure they are engaged (fiddle with each seal to ensure they are secure). When election materials leave the precinct, everything needs to be sealed with a RED paper seal. The EPB flash drive needs only be under RED paper seal.
What is Remarkable? Make a comment once the polls are open. Record hourly balancing (place a sticky note on last application at that time!). Indicate reason why Ballot Summary is not in balance. Voter issues. Remarks should be clear and concise. Describe the problem. Track equipment problems. Record duplicate ballot numbers (this is a good double-check); however, never record duplicate ballot number next to person. All remarks are FOIAble. Print EPB Remarks for the Local Clerk. Remarks Page in the Pollbook
precinct delegate canvass and certification August Primary Election ONLY! precinct delegate canvass and certification
Precinct Delegate Canvass and Certification BoE YouTube Video Precinct Delegates, 3:51 New in 2018 …. 3 Political Parties will appear on the August Primary ballot: Republican Party Democratic Party Libertarian Party
Precinct Delegate Canvass and Certification
Precinct Delegate Canvass and Certification REMINDERS ….. Emphasize COMPLETION! SIGN BACK PAGE! Send to County (in #1 envelope) even if zero’s!
MORE NEW FORMS 2018 Election Cycle
Voting system changes ballot marking instructions Written Verbal Visual People don’t read …. SO inspector should state “Fill in the ovals”
Voting system changes updated validity standards Valid Markings Invalid Markings
Supplemental training Electronic Pollbook - Start up Instructions - Privacy Zone - End of the Night Reports Receiving Board - Review Checklist(s) - Catch all mistakes Chairperson Training - Review all Responsibilities - Review unique procedures New Voting Equipment Demonstrations and Hands-on practice
Putting it all together Part 2 Election Inspector Training JULY 12th 9:30a OR 1:30p session at the Marshall United Methodist Church 721 Old US 27 North, Marshall, MI 49068 Register through your LOCAL Clerk.