College & Scholarship Info Union Grove High School College & Scholarship Info
Join The Senior SCHOLARSHIP Newsletter! 81010 Enter this number @theseni Text this message
64th South Atlantic Regional Conference Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 64th South Atlantic Regional Conference
Clayton County Fair Sat. Mar 25th 9am-12pm Meet with college representatives from across the country! Clayton County Fair Perry Learning Center 137 Spring Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 Sat. Mar 25th 9am-12pm Text “PROBEINFO” to 33233 for updates
$99 TEST PREP Seminars Registration ACT Seminar-Union Grove H.S. March 25th 9 am to 3 pm $99
MARC Seeks Teen Leaders It is for current 9th and 10th graders that are interested/concerned about traffic congestion, air pollution, greenspace, and the needs of older adults. see Ms. Watts in the counseling office for more information no later than Friday, March 31st
“A GPA Isn’t Everything Scholarship” Provided By: Deadline: March 31st Amount: $1000 Website: Description: is a free scholarship search engine
March 31st Spend the entire day experiencing Georgia Tech liberal arts by taking classes, having personalized tours of the housing, athletics facilities, and dining with advisors and faculty.
*See counselors for application $500 Award Dr. Alton Crews Future Georgia Educators Scholarship Deadline: March 31, 2017 *See counselors for application
Award: $1000 Deadline: April 3rd Seniors entering a Georgia college in the Fall
SCHOLARSHIPS $2000 American Fire Sprinkler Association Deadline: April 7th
Sophomore, junior, and seniors register now for National Leadership Challenge Weekend April 7-9 Dahlonega Campus $115
Attention Seniors Senior Dues are $140 Dues increase April 10th to $150 & May 1st to $160 (See Ms. Tingle in the front office or pay online at
Applications available in the counseling office Stockbridge Assembly of God Scholarship Award: $1000 Deadline: April 11th Applications available in the counseling office
SCHOLARSHIP Application Due: April 14th Kappa Alpha Sigma Chapter of of Stone Mountain $1,000 award. Minimum GPA 3.0; open to both males and females and all races and ethnicities Application Due: April 14th
Foundation Scholarship Several $1,000 awards to high school seniors pursuing a medical career and/or experienced the loss of a parent or sibling. Due: April 14th
UGHS BETA CLUB deadline: April 20, 2017 Then join the Have an overall A average? Interested in volunteering to better your community? Then join the UGHS BETA CLUB deadline: April 20, 2017 *See your counselor to start your application
Due April 20th Henry Co. Retired Educators Association •$750 Scholarship •Must plan to pursue a degree in education •Applications in the counseling office Due April 20th
Scholarship APPLICATION: Available in the counseling office Seniors! No out of state fees! Alcorn State University National Alumni Association Metro-Atlanta Alcorn Alumni Chapter Scholarship APPLICATION: Available in the counseling office DUE: April 29th, 2017