FTS 2 Failure Tracking System 2 Repair Process Flow 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED Purpose of processes ■ Description of adding item repair in FTS 2 (Failure Tracking System 2). Area of Application ■ Agilent Technologies Manufacturing GmbH & Co. KG, STS Order Fulfillment, PLBG/CM. ■ Handwritten changes and extensions must be approved before they are made to or on this document. ■ AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED: This document and any associated data contain restricted information that is Agilent Technologies property. Only disclose or duplicate for others as authorized by Agilent Technologies. 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED Process Flow ■ When adding new repair the following order is followed: ■ First a process of adding a new repair item without child item when serial number is scanned. ■ Process of adding a new repair item with child item from scan. ■ Process of adding new item with serial number entered manually without child item. ■ Process of adding new item with serial number entered manually and with a child item. ■ Then my repairs and repair history are described ■ The examples showing reports in this document might look a bit different because you may be using a different browser. ■ All slides about adding a new repair item are interrelated and must be viewed as a whole. 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED ■ Hints: ■ Completely fill in all fields (mandatory and optional) ■ Train all users ■ green pop up windows indicates success ■ red pop up windows indicates error ■ red arrow indicates mandatory field ■ red exclamation mark indicates problem with field input 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED FTS2 System Test Input ■ to start go to the following URL: ■ Test Server: http://qiswp.lvld.agilent.com/FTS2/DesktopDefault.aspx ■ Production Server: http://www.qis-atg.com/FTS2/DesktopDefault.aspx 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Please enter your e-mail adress here, for example: jane_smith@agilent.com 2. Please enter Password here 3. Select product line here, for example: CSTD 4. To enter FTS Portal click sign-in 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
2. Your default test area and workstation can be changed by clicking 1. Please click Item Repair tab 2. Your default test area and workstation can be changed by clicking Change Settings 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
2. Repair Records are indicated in the table Repairing New Item 1. Click on Repair New Item tab 2. Repair Records are indicated in the table 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Check Partial Serial Numer Search to search database by serial number 3. Table displays Serial Numbers and items that include your partial serial number in any combination 2. Enter Partial Serial Number in the textbox 4. To use item found in the search click Needle Symbol next to the item you want to use 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 3. Put the cursor in the Bar Code Field and scan the label 1. Check Item Has a Bar Code here (serial number choice is described later) 2. In the Item Model textbox enter part number for example E7944-66620 4. Click Convert Bar Code button 6. Click Continue button 5. Click Show Item History to view previous repairs history 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
from the list for example Cleaned 1. Select New Item Repair if it is not bluestripe 2. Select Repair Action from the list for example Cleaned 3. Estimate Repair Effort in minutes 4. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Keep Record Defective Child Item unchecked – repairs for child items will be described later 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
for that failure category from the list for example Electrical 2. Select the Most Probable Cause for that failure category 1. Select Failure Category from the list for example Electrical 3. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Click Browse to select attachment from your drives 2. Provide any additional comments in Repair Comments textbox 3. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Check Key Fields To Review table 2. Click Submit to Database button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 2. To add another repair item click Repair New Item and follow procedure as many times as needed 1. Transaction Complete message pops up 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
Record Defective Child Item to record child item details Adding Defective Child Item 1. Check Record Defective Child Item to record child item details 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Select Failure Category from the list 2. Select the Most Probable Cause for that failure category 5. Enter Reference Designator for example MP1 (if you enter more than one please separate with comma) 3. Enter Model Number for example E80010-66402 4. Select the Most Probable Cause for that failure category 6. Select the Action for example Request Repair 7. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Click Browse to select attachment from your drives 2. Provide any additional comments in Repair Comments textbox 3. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
number in the review table 1. Notice Defective Child Model number in the review table 2. Click Submit to Database button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 2. To add another repair item click Repair New Item and follow procedure as many times as needed 1. Transaction Complete message pops up 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Check Item Has a Serial Number here 2. In the Item Model textbox enter part number for example E7944-66620 3. Enter Serial Number here for example 186 5. Click Continue button 4. Click Show Item History to view previous repairs history 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
from the list for example Add Wire 1. Select New Item Repair if it is not bluestripe 2. Select Repair Action from the list for example Add Wire 3. Estimate Repair Effort in minutes 4. Click Continue button 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
1. From here follow procedure described on slide 11 or 16 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
Adding Defective Child Item 1. Click My Repair tab Adding Defective Child Item 2. Repairs are displayed in the table 3. Click Cross Icon to delete repair 4. Click Pencil Icon to update repair details (the screen changes as follows) 5. Notice that pencil and cross icons are available only for repairs entered by you 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
Red Cross to cancel changes 1. Enter changes to the Textboxes in the table 2. Click Red Cross to cancel changes 3. Click Green Mark to accept changes 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
Reference Designator Graph 1. Enter Model for example E794466620 2. Enter Start Date for example 2/1/2005 3. Enter End Date for example 3/29/2005 4. Click Reference Designator Graph 5. Click Show Repair History link 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED 1. Pareto Diagram for Reference Designator appears on the screen 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
symbol to pick a start date 1. Enter Model for example E794466620 2. Click on the Calendar symbol to pick a start date 3. Enter End Date for example 3/29/2005 4. Click on Defective Model Graph 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED
symbol to pick a start date Individual Repair Records 1. Enter Model for example E794466620 2. Click on the Calendar symbol to pick a start date 3. Enter End Date for example 3/29/2005 4. Click on Individual Repair Records 11/28/2018 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES RESTRICTED