1. Time Frame Second week of September 2011 (16 hours) 4th Week of September 2011 (16 hours) Second Week of October 2011 (16 hours)
2. Tools Training Material LCD, Note Book Flip Chart Markers Meta Plan, ect.
3. Background & Justification The Indonesian Population 237,5 million. Working Population 107,4 million. The precentage is : - 63% male and 37% female. - 28,6% formal’s sector and 71,4% informal’s sector.
Justification The Indonesian Constitution of 1945 outlines the state’s mandate; Article 27, paragraph 2 “Each citizen shall be entitled to an occupation and an existence proper for human being” Article 28H paragraph 3: Each person is entitled to social security enabling him/her to develop his/her entire self unimpaired as a dignified human being.”
2. The ILO Social Security ( Minimum Standards ) Convention, 1952 (No 2. The ILO Social Security ( Minimum Standards ) Convention, 1952 (No.102 ) about guidance on internationally agreed minimum standards of social protection.
4. Target Group & Parties Involved Tripartite : Employee ( Member, Trade UnionLeader’s ) Government ( Manpower Dept Officer, Industry and Trading Off, Social Dept Off ) Employer Organization
5. Speaker ILO Tripartite : Representative of Trade Union Government ( Manpower Dept.) Representative of Employer Organization
6. Objectives To make them understand the facts that problems of country is very complicated - Job security is vital for worker rights to securing worker. Built sense of ownership to the company to increase productivity. Make recommendation for setting up constructive social dialogues base on actual facts.
7. Activities to Achieve The Objectives Lecture Group Work Discussion
- Thank You - Singapore, August 5th 2011