Student Voice
Learning Intentions Enhanced understanding of student voice Greater awareness of what is happening elsewhere Knowledge of information sources Route map to get started
Think – Pair – Share What is your understanding and experience of Student Voice?
Student voice is human a right “….the right to express their views in matters affecting them and have their opinions given due weight, commensurate with age and maturity” Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Better Outcomes, Brighter Future “ … be one of the best small countries in which to grow up and to raise a family and where the rights of all children and young people are respected, protected and fulfilled; where there voices are heard and where they are supported to realise their maximum potential now and in the future”
NCCA “ Young people have unique perspectives on learning, teaching and schooling; that their insights warrant not only the attention but the responses of adults; and that they should be afforded opportunities to actively shape their education” Cook-Sather 2006
Student voice in JC reform
Student voice in JC NCCA-Trinity initiative Process and procedures Capturing student voice Some or all?
Student voice in curriculum reform
Strengths – Challenges - Opportunities Two groups per feature Feedback with top 2 points
Cork ETB