SILENT FILMS I N T R O D U C T I O N First Grade Unit 4 Social learning environments: Familiar and community Communicative activity: Exchanges associated with media. Social practice of the language: Write dialogues and interventions for a silent short film.
When did the films appear? Introduction When did the films appear? The history of film began in the 1890s. Because of the limits of technology, films were under a minute long without sound until 1927. The dialogues were transmitted through muted gestures and mime.
Introduction Do you know who Charlie Chaplin is? Charlie Chaplin was a comedic British actor who became one of the biggest stars in the silent film era. Famous for his character "The Tramp”, the sweet little man with a bowler hat, mustache and cane.
Introduction What is an intertitle or title card? It’s a written indication of the plot or key dialogue. In the silent film era, intertitles were always called "subtitles“.
Introduction What is a script? A screenplay or script is a written work by screenwriters for a film. It used in preparing for a performance. In them, the movement, actions, expression and dialogues of the characters are also narrated.
Introduction What should you include in a script? The setting (Scene heading) The characters Action lines Dialogues Emotions(Parenthetical)