Need senior management support for Change Management? Speak their language! Lisa Talifero - Managing Consultant
Speaking their language Why change management is essential for benefits realisation How the brain responds to change and impacts productivity Organisational impact Speaking their language
BIP mapping benefits impacts products P I B Financial benefits: cost avoidance additional income new income asset enhancement Strategic benefits: strategic alignment competitive advantage competitive response intellectual property benefits impacts products BIP mapping
Change management focus B benefits impacts products P I SUSTAINED CHANGE IMPACTS EMBEDDING PRODUCTS People are persistently behaving in the required way to achieve benefits Deliverables to gain buy-in and support adoption of the change PERFORMANCE IMPACTS STABILISING PRODUCTS Productivity levels are as planned in business case Events/ comms to reduce ambiguity/ uncertainty/ effects of change fatigue ORGANISATIONAL IMPACTS STAKEHOLDER PRODUCTS Dependent parts of business have made any necessary changes Organisational impact assessment and stakeholder engagement Change management focus
“We need funds to run a series of engagement workshops with the branch staff” “We need funds to ensure that staff are making the referrals necessary to achieve 30% of sales through online channel”
“We need funds to run training events for the online customer service team” “We need funds to ensure that the online customer service team provide the right level of service to achieve the 25% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings by end of 2018”
I B SUSTAINED CHANGE IMPACTS People are persistently behaving in the required way to achieve benefits
I B No resistance after go-live? New behaviours from Day 1? SUSTAINED CHANGE IMPACTS No resistance after go-live? New behaviours from Day 1? Nobody slips into old habits? Everyone competent?
I B Make change wanted Make change happen Make change stick SUSTAINED CHANGE IMPACTS Make change happen Make change stick
Change is the new norm I B PERFORMANCE IMPACTS Productivity levels are as planned in business case Change is the new norm
Threat response I B Distracted Think less clearly PERFORMANCE IMPACTS Distracted Think less clearly See threats where they don’t exist Narrower vision Reduced memory Increased Cortisol DROP IN PERFORMANCE Threat response
I B ORGANISATIONAL IMPACTS Dependent parts of business have made any necessary changes
Impact assessment I B Affect on the wider business ORGANISATIONAL IMPACTS Affect on the wider business Business dependencies Multiple change affect Impact assessment
Stakeholder engagement B I ORGANISATIONAL IMPACTS Stakeholder engagement
Change management focus B benefits impacts products P I People are persistently behaving in the required way to achieve benefits Productivity levels are as planned in business case Dependent parts of business have made any necessary changes SUSTAINED CHANGE IMPACTS PERFORMANCE IMPACTS ORGANISATIONAL IMPACTS Deliverables to gain buy-in and support adoption of the change Events/ comms to reduce ambiguity/ uncertainty/ effects of change fatigue Organisational impact assessment and stakeholder engagement EMBEDDING PRODUCTS STABILISING PRODUCTS STAKEHOLDER PRODUCTS Change management focus
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