Daughter Groundwater Directive


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Presentation transcript:

Daughter Groundwater Directive Setting the scene Collection of comments during the period April-October 2002 Discussion with EAF Groundwater on 8th October Discussion paper, draft 1.0 establishing the main principles Further comments expected from EAF before 6th December

Main principles of the Discussion Paper, draft 1.0 Daughter Groundwater Directive Main principles of the Discussion Paper, draft 1.0 Building on the actual requirements of the WFD Avoiding duplication, providing specifications where required Delivering on Article 17 Setting up clear objectives Providing flexibility on tools and measures The Discussion Paper does not represent the common position of the Commission

Specifications by delivering on Article 17 Daughter Groundwater Directive Specifications by delivering on Article 17 Criteria for defining good chemical status (Article 17(2)a) Criteria for the identification of significant and sustained upward trends (Article 17(2)b) Starting points for trend reversals (Article 17(2)b) List of specific measures to be added to the programme of measures (Article 17(3)) Specifying further definitions New elements beyond Article 17: unpolluted groundwater, combined approach for groundwater protection, specific controls/measures for risk zones

Criteria for defining good chemical status Daughter Groundwater Directive Criteria for defining good chemical status Basic requirements defined in Annexes II and V of WFD EU-wide core list of substances and values for general groundwater protection (indicators of mainly diffuse pollution) Standards related to groundwater use (DW) and interactions Complementary standards set by Member States, following a risk-based approach: no listing in the GWD but reporting in the RBMP Natural background concentrations to be considered, as well as conceptual understanding of groundwater bodies

Trend identification and reversal Daughter Groundwater Directive Trend identification and reversal Assessment of status quo, on the basis of which “significant” and “sustained” are defined Cross-reference to the monitoring guidance (WG 2.7), Annex V.2.4 and WG 2.8 (trend assessment) Any significant and sustained upward trend should be reversed. Possible starting points for trend reversal set at 50% of related standard for diffuse sources (considering the time lag for GW pollution) and 75% for pollutants issued from point sources

Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (1) Daughter Groundwater Directive Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (1) Risk Zone (complying with standards established by MS) Protected Area (complying with drinking water standards for safeguard zones or other standards related to conservation areas) Groundwater body (complying with EU-wide core list of standards) Good Chemical Status

Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (2) Daughter Groundwater Directive Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (2) Risk Zone (complying with standards established by MS) Protected Area (complying with drinking water standards for safeguard zones or other standards related to conservation areas) Groundwater body (not complying with EU-wide core list of standards or detected trend, owing to anthropogenic input) Poor Chemical Status (measures required)

Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (3) Daughter Groundwater Directive Interpretation of groundwater chemical status (3) Risk Zone (complying with standards established by MS) Protected Area (complying with drinking water standards for safeguard zones or other standards related to conservation areas) Groundwater body (not complying with EU-wide core list of standards, owing to natural contamination) Poor Chemical Status (no measures required)

Combined approach for pollution protection and control Daughter Groundwater Directive Combined approach for pollution protection and control Control of entry of all pollutants into groundwater to prevent and/or limit pollution and to prevent further deterioration of groundwater status: requirement applied to all identified pressures (using the IMPRESS doc.) Emission controls based on best available techniques In the case of diffuse sources, controls including, as appropriate, best environmental practices More stringent controls where necessary

Specific measures for point sources of pollution and protected areas Daughter Groundwater Directive Specific measures for point sources of pollution and protected areas Prevent pollution at source, limit the extension of contaminated plume, restrict the use of the site and inform the potential users (point source pollution) Prevent entry of any pollutants (synthetic substances close to zero in conservation areas, complying with DW standards in safeguard zones), control interactions with associated ecosystems, restrict the use of the site and inform potential users about potential degradation risks

Needed feedback for the drafting of the GWD Daughter Groundwater Directive Needed feedback for the drafting of the GWD Refine the EU-wide core list of standards (chemical status) Draft clear specifications for trend identification /reversal Comments on risk zones management, integration of historical contamination aspects, links with landfill directive Comments on specific measures for point sources of pollution and protected areas Any other comments EAF Groundwater Members have been invited to send comments before the 6th December 2002

Daughter Groundwater Directive Further steps Consideration of EAF comments in December BASELINE workshop on the 27th January 2003 (discussions on background groundwater levels) First draft of the Directive in January/February 5th EAF Groundwater meeting proposed on 12th March Final draft of Directive in April (Interservice Consultation

Revised timetable                           Nov. 2001 April 2002 Nov. 2002 Jan. 2003 March 2003 April 2002 June 2003 Commission Proposal  Interservice consultations   5th EAF meeting 12/03/03  BASELINE workshop  First GWD draft  Water Directors Copenhaguen, 21/11/02  Discussion Paper - Draft 1.0  4th EAF meeting 08/10/02  3rd EAF meeting 25/06/2002  Waters Directors Valencia, June 2002  Economic study         End of Conceptual Phase (workshop)  2nd EAF meeting 26/03/2002  Case studies       1st EAF meeting 23/11/2001  Water Directors Ghent, Nov. 2001 