Silent Reading!!! Favorite part of the day!!
Reading Closely for Textual Details
Write down this question: Notes: Write down this question: What do these standards mean to you? How would you reword them so you can understand them?
Standards covered in this unit RI.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. RI.9-10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. RI.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.
What does reading for textual details do for me??? Attending to and analyzing details are essential skills for: Accessing Meaning Allowing texts to inform our understanding Enriching our lives
Can you read things that are not text???? Question??? Can you read things that are not text????
Steps to being a good reader Survey - initial approach to the text; always think about what you already know about the topic Question - use questions to examine the text’s topic, information and structure Investigate - a deeper look into the text, asking those probing questions Analyze - look at the key details and language to deepen your understanding Explain - what have you come to understand as you read -- You must be able to prove any conclusions you come to!!! This means you need EVIDENCE
READ THE SCENE Look at the scene in front of you. Each group will get the opportunity to survey the scene. You will then write down your questions Investigate further by going deeper Analyze what you have seen Explain what you know based on what is presented to you using the evidence presented
Just like... With the crime scene, you had to read the scene to lead you to the answer of who, what, when, how… The same can be said of reading: You need GUIDING QUESTIONS to help you look for evidence
“Caption this” assignment To practice your outstanding reading skills, look at the picture your group has. You must come to a conclusion based on what is happening in the photo and caption what is happening, what someone may be thinking, etc….
Now you do it!! As I read the following text aloud, look at the questions from the “topic, information, and ideas” and use these questions to SURVEY the text. Don’t forget to think about what you already know about the topic.
Purpose for reading What does Keller mean by “When she came, everything about me breathed of love and joy and was full of meaning”? What details help you understand this phrase?
Independence!!! Now look at the “Language” questions Look at the specific question “What words or phrases stand out to me as I read?” As you read INDEPENDENTLY, mark details that you notice - - This means you will WRITE on the text!!!! You will have 5 mins to read the text and mark in it!!! Do not waste your time (I will be grading this) Question and Investigate!!
Results Write one of your details up on the board (ONLY ONE!!!) (AND IT’S OK IF YOUR DETAIL IS THE SAME AS SOMEONE ELSE’S)
Now What??? What do the details tell you??? This is where you analyze Identify any questions that may pop up during your analysis (You may go through the questions- investigate-analyze process a few times--that’s OKAY)
So what do you do with this information?? You EXPLAIN your conclusion Because you know the story now and have picked it apart, you should be able to answer just about any question Turn your attention back to the question...we are going to craft our answer together as an example
HW Look over your writing from day one. How can you revise your writing so that you are answering the prompt? Take what you have learned and use it to help you focus your writing. You will fill out the blank chart and turn that in as well. Think about the questions and skills we have been talking about, Bring a TYPED final draft of your writing for the next class.