Virginia Federation of Chapters Strategic Planning/Bylaws Update Woodbridge Chapter 1270 Strategic Planning/Bylaws Update July 21, 2016 Public Relations Chair Gaston Gianni NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE OVERVIEW Resources Quick Look Process Strategic Planning Goals Work Areas Given to the SP Committee SP Committee Areas for Improvement What Next Convention Bylaw Proposals NEED FOR CHANGE NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE Future of NARFE Report Strategic Plan Process Milestone Chart Process Fact Sheet SP Team & SP Committee Consultant-SABATIER SP Committee Instructions Resource on NARFE Strategic Planning NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE 8. Nat. Executive Board & Federation Presidents’ Meeting July 9. Federation Presidents’ Meeting Update Slides (on web) 10. SPC Meeting Synopsis (5 meetings) also on web 11. SPC Recommendations 12 SP Team- (National Treasurer, 2 Regional VPs and 1 Staff member) write draft 2016 Strategic Plan 13 NARFE Board Recommendations 14 Proposed Bylaws CONTINUED NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE STRATEGIC PLAN--QUICK LOOK FUTURE OF NARFE REPORT-2014 Strategic Planning approved at 2014 convention Strategic Planning link on NARFE web site Strategic Planning Committee-1 rep from each NARFE Region Gaston Gianni Region X Rep. Committee met April- Sept., 2015 Made recommendations that will form the basis for Strategic Planning Team to draft a NARFE Strategic Plan NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE ISSUES/GOALS Transform governance to be more efficient, effective, agile, consistent and accountable Establish a consistent brand to increase awareness, eliminate confusion and convey the value of NARFE Stabilize and grow membership to support effective advocacy and to deliver financial stability NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE SPC ASKED TO STUDY-12 Areas Board of Directors Structure BOD function as policy makers BOD set annual dues Federation/State advocacy structure Federation funds Congressional District Leaders Optional local chapter membership NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE SPC ASKED TO STUDY (Continued) NARFE member as Congressional District Action Teams Electronic meetings Quorum Requirements One member one vote Unified dues (Items in Red not addressed by SPC) NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE SPC Recommendations for Improvement Board of Directors—Make up, authority and responsibilities-i.e. Option to Raise Dues Executive Director Non-Mandatory Chapter Membership One member one vote Federation Structure Federation Funds Congressional District Liaisons NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE WHAT HAPPENED?? Strategic Plan “ SECURE THE FUTURE” Accepted by Board Dec 2015 Posted on Web site WWW.NARFE.ORG Board has approved hiring of Executive Director Board has approved submitting the following bylaws changes for vote at the AUG 2016 National Convention: One member one vote Optional Chapter membership Board to have authority to raise dues (with limits) NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE WHAT NEXT? Vote on Board proposed bylaw changes at 2016 National Convention (DONE) Other bylaw changes are being proposed by Federations and Chapters and will be posted on web site (Cutoff May 13) 25 Proposed By Laws changes were submitted National By Laws Committee will review and make recommendations at the National Convention in Reno Bylaws changes will be voted on at the Convention Begin the next Strategic Planning Process for the 2018 National Convention NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
MAJOR CATEGORIES OF BYLAWS AMENDMENTS Q MAJOR CATEGORIES OF BYLAWS AMENDMENTS NEB Amendments (3Proposals) Number Of Regions (10Proposals) Membership (5Proposals) National Officers and RVP’s (3Proposals) Dues (3Proposals) NEB Procedures (3Proposals) NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
Q Optional Chapter Membership NARFE depends on member dues!!! Membership means survival!!! Facts Membership DOWN 50% over 30 years Membership dues account for 63% of revenue Membership attrition is reducing $$ Continued revenue declines will limit ability to perform mission NARFE has CLOSED over 300 chapters in last 5 years NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE Q FACTS Continued Required Chapter membership inhibits growth 25% of lapsed members report leaving because of mandatory chapter membership 69% joining before 2008 have not attended meetings in past 12 months 79% joining after 2008 have not attended meetings in past 12 months Declining membership resulted in NARFE being in the RED 6 out of 10 years If trend continues NARFE could be financially INSOLVENT in 2 to 4 years Shut down of NARFE by 2020 is possible!! NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
KEY TARGET GROUP for MEMBERSHIP Q KEY TARGET GROUP for MEMBERSHIP Those retiring now have distinct profile Many will start new careers or businesses Many continue to work even if income isn’t needed They are less likely to join chapters They are comfortable communicating and socializing online They are uninformed on legislative issues and UNINTERESTED in advocacy Interests center on federal benefits and guidance NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE Q eNARFE Confusion 14 % of membership and growing Includes large % of returning lapsed members Indicative of preferences Confusion about eNARFE hinders recruitment SIGNIFICANT membership growth opportunity with Optional Chapter Membership Join NARFE FIRST, then be given a choice of joining a chapter. NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE Q One Member, One Vote Increase member’s opportunity to be heard Most members don’t attend National Conventions Last Convention: 237,000 members were represented 895 floor voting delegates an by 581 for ballot issues!! Technology will enable ALL members to vote All members will have a fair and equal say in NARFE policy, programs, and management All members will be able to run for National Office NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE Q Raising Dues Give Board authority to raise dues up to 10% over a two year period Flexibility needed Not used unless needed Members can vote to over turn at next convention NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE
NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE CLOSING THOUGHTS The Future of NARFE Project-Long term Vision Status quo will not sustain NARFE financially If NARFE is to survive and be effective, we need to change and grow WE MUST BEGIN TO ACT now or NARFE will continue toward closure! NARFE-FACING THE CHALLENGE