Building Character: jacob Genesis 35:1-7
Building Character: jacob Genesis 35:1-7 – “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother. Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments: And let us arise, and go up to Bethel; and I will make there an altar unto God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went. And they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem.
Building Character: Jacob And they journeyed: and the terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they did not pursue after the sons of Jacob. So Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is, Bethel, he and all the people that were with him. And he built there an altar, and called the place Elbethel: because there God appeared unto him, when he fled from the face of his brother.”
Building Character: Jacob I. God’s Command Was Heard by Jacob – v.1 You can still hear the voice of God and His call You can return to the Father & He will receive you & forgive you I John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Building Character: Jacob II. God’s Command Was Heeded by Jacob – vs.2-5 1. They cast off their deities Genesis 35:2 – “Then Jacob said unto his household, and to all that were with him, put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments.” Everything that steals our love & devotion from the Lord needs to be removed Colossians 3:1,2 – “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”
Building Character: Jacob II. God’s Command Was Heeded by Jacob – vs.2-5 1. They cast off their deities 2. They cleansed their dirtiness A dirty life hinders worship / A clean life brings blessing
Building Character: Jacob II. God’s Command Was Heeded by Jacob – vs.2-5 1. They cast off their deities 2. They cleansed their dirtiness 3. They changed their dress Clean garments are symbolic of separation II Corinthians 6:17 – “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you.”
Building Character: Jacob II. God’s Command Was Heeded by Jacob – vs.2-5 1. They cast off their deities 2. They cleansed their dirtiness 3. They changed their dress 4. They created some distance The images were buried, so they could not be reclaimed later Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of life
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship Worship is about becoming less, while He becomes more John 3:30 – “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship 2. It spoke of his love John 14:15 – “If ye love me keep my commandments.”
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship 2. It spoke of his love 3. It spoke of service God is looking for people who will surrender their lives in service to Him Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship 2. It spoke of his love 3. It spoke of service 4. It spoke of obedience God demands total obedience in our lives I Samuel 15:22 – “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice”
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship 2. It spoke of his love 3. It spoke of service 4. It spoke of obedience 5. It spoke of obligation The redeemed heart will serve God
Building Character: Jacob III. God’s Command Was Honored by Jacob – vs.6,7 Jacob’s altar says several things: 1. It spoke of worship 2. It spoke of his love 3. It spoke of service 4. It spoke of obedience 5. It spoke of obligation 6. It spoke of sacrifice Romans 12:1 – “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable sacrifice.”