Dental Assisting Program Academic Advising 3-31-15 Jessica Alvarado - Health Professions Counselor Lane Community College
General Advising Information Individual questions can be answered by emailing Only meet with the HP Advising Team for guidance Requirements may change each year so it is important to keep updated by viewing our Academic Advising Resource in Moodle Enrolling in Moodle will allow us to email you updates about the program and other important advising information
Health Professions Website Application information and forms can be found at - choose the Dental Assisting link and then choose the Application Information link
Career & Employment Information Students can review Section 3 of the Academic Advising Resource for additional career and educational options Oregon CIS can be useful Career Research tool Contact Career Center 541- 463-5223 for more information Program and career overview is provided at the Health Professions website 95-100% of graduates find employment in the Eugene/Springfield area Program is accredited by: American Dental Association / Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA/CODA) 211 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 800.621.8099 or 312.440.4653
DA Program Overview Program of Study Fall Entry Prerequisites typically take 1-2 terms or 4 terms to complete depending on which Health Science sequence you choose. Students can apply without any coursework but will receive application points for each recommended course listed Fall Entry courses =(Basic Health Care Certificate + DA approved Human Relations) – accepted students must complete all required pre-requisites prior to the start of the program Courses must be completed with a C or higher (C- is ineligible) Year 1 – Accepted students complete 1st year core theory and clinical practice courses. See Catalog information
Application Information Application deadline is typically early Spring term for the upcoming Fall entry Coursework completed Winter term and before will be eligible for points on the application. Do not apply until Winter term grades appear on a submitted transcript Register for Spring and Summer courses that are required for Fall entry even though they cannot be listed on your application for points If accepted - all courses must be completed by the end of Summer term for Fall entry A second application period may open in May if openings are still available Enrollment is typically limited to 30 Oregon residents per year For most courses - A’s are worth more than B’s and B’s are worth more than C’s. C- or less is ineligible Acceptance decisions are based on application points and successful completion of all application steps (background check, mandatory orientation, etc…)
Preparing to Apply Be admitted to Lane as a Credit Student with an assigned L number. Be an Oregon Resident within 90 days prior to date of application Be on track to complete a High School Diploma or GED prior to Fall Entry Review all application materials and complete all Dental Assisting application steps Courses completed at other institutions must be considered equivalent or substituted with an approved course before applying Courses completed by end of Winter term will receive application points on C or higher (C- is ineligible) If accepted - All coursers must be completed by the end of Summer term for Fall entry MTH 052 or higher DA approved Human Relations See DA information in catalog WR 121 WR 122 and WR 123 accepted or prior BA/BS degree HO 150 + HO 152 (within 7years) or BI 231, 232, 233 (within 7 years) HO 100 HO 110 CIS 101 or CS 120 (within 5 years) EL 115, EL 115R or EL 115H Application points only – not required for Fall entry Any paid Dental Office work experience and completion of a prior degree Associate level or higher Application points only with submitted documentation – not required for Fall entry
Preparing to Apply cont. Read through Section 1 in our Academic Advising Resource in Moodle to review requirements, application packet and get instructions on how to fill out the application forms Application forms and supporting documents are submitted via email only Application forms that are scanned, handwritten, or Google docs will not be accepted Supporting documents can be scanned Application payment is submitted online
Required Courses/ Transfer Information Courses completed at other schools must be considered equivalent or be approved for use in the application PRIOR to submitting the application Please review the Transfer Advising Information in Section 4 of DA’s Academic Advising in Moodle if you: Have previous coursework that you think will be equivalent to or will substitute for the DA pre-reqs and program course requirements If you have prior math, writing or health science courses and need an override to register for a subsequent course
Health Science Options Health Science options: choose one sequence BI 231, BI 232 and BI 233 – within 7 years of Fall entry Prerequisite is BI 112/CH112. CH 112 prerequisite is MTH 052 or higher or testing into MTH 065 or higher “A” and “B” grades are worth the same points on the application HO 150 and HO 152 – within 7 years of Fall entry HO 100 can co-req with HO 150 or take HO 100 the term before HO 150 An “A” grade is worth more points than a “B” grade for HO 150/152 Both Health Science sequences will meet the Basic Health Care requirements
Preparing to take BI 231 or HO 150 BI112 and CH112 courses (known as Biobonds) are the pre-reqs for BI 231 – the first Anatomy and Physiology course Getting into BI 112/CH 112 – two options: Passing Lane’s math placement testing OR passing MTH 052 or higher with a C- or higher Some students may have coursework that will allow them to meet the pre-req for BI112/CH112 or BI 231 Take unofficial transcripts to the Science Department office. The Science department representative will determine if you can register for BI 112/CH 112 or BI 231 or one of the other anatomy courses If you put BI 231 on the application – you must complete the rest of the series (BI 232 – 233) prior to Fall entry HO 100 Medical Terminology is the pre-req to HO 150 If you have the equivalent of HO 100 – contact an HO 150 instructor and show them your unofficial transcript. The instructor will let you know if you can register for HO 150 HO 100 and HO 150 can be taken together as co- reqs in one term, but this is not recommended HO 150 is the pre-req to HO 152 – cannot be taken together If you put HO 150 on your application – you must complete the rest of the series (HO 152) prior to Fall entry Read Section 4 (How to use the Transfer Tool) in the Academic Advising section in Moodle for more detailed instructions
Math sequence is : MTH 010, MTH 020, MTH 052 or MTH 060 Math Requirement Courses considered equivalent to or higher than Lane’s MTH 052 will meet the program and application requirement MTH 020 or passing a math placement test is the pre-req to MTH 052 and MTH 060 Students may use testing into MTH 065 or higher Testing must be done within the past year A math course will still be required for degree completion and Basic Health Certificate completion Math sequence is : MTH 010, MTH 020, MTH 052 or MTH 060
English Composition Course WR 121, WR 122 or WR 123 will be accepted – choose the higher grade from one of these courses WR 115 is the prerequisite for WR 121 WR 121 is the prerequisite course for WR 122 and 123 Students with a BA/BS will get full points for WR 121 if degree awarded appears on a submitted transcript Degree must be from US accredited institution
Medical Terminology HO 100 Medical Terminology or equivalent course HO 100 is recommend prior to taking HO 150 or BI 231 Course options are traditional in-person and online The course typically has a verbal final examination even for the online course
HO 110 – Health Care Office Procedures HO 110 Health Care Office Procedures or equivalent course HO 110 Administrative Medical Office Procedures will be accepted Name change effective Summer 2015 Course is typically offered online There isn’t a pre-req for this course
Human Relations Course Human Relations course options selected for the DA Program are listed on page 2 of the Lane Catalog for DA – see Human Relations course list Students need to select one approved option to meet the program requirement (3-4 credits) Not all courses considered Human Relations will meet DA program requirements. Only look at the catalog under DA for the approved DA Human Relations list The COMM prefix replaced SP starting Summer 2014 If your course is on the transfer tool as equivalent to SP – it is equivalent. In a few years – a new equivalency will need to be established if your course transfers as SP instead of COMM List is subject to change – email for updated information and suggested courses
Computer Course Choice of: CIS 101 Computer Fundamentals (3 credits) CS 120 Concepts of Computing: Information Processing (4 credits) One computer course is required prior to Fall entry and can be used for application points Either course must be within 5 years of Fall entry CS 120 is worth more points than CIS 101
Additional Application Points The list below is NOT required for DA Program certificate or application Additional Application Points: Effective Learning course options choose one - EL115, EL 115H or EL 115R Students who take EL 115R with RD 087 can use EL 115R for extra points. EL 115 or EL 115H should not be taken if you took EL 115R Prior college degree: Associate, bachelors, masters, or higher. Transcript must indicate degree granted Degree must be from US accredited institution Paid Dental Work Experience: Students may be eligible for application points for any Paid Work Experience in a Dental Office Must be verified by pay stubs or W2s. Submit documentation. 415 or more hours
Fall Entry Requirements Attend Mandatory Orientation for accepted and alternate students Complete Fall Entry courses that were not used on the application for points Obtain required immunizations, physical and back ground check and CPR– as instructed in orientation above – this information is provided in the Mandatory Orientation Do not obtain these until you attend the orientation Submit proof of High School Diploma or GED Scanned copy accepted
Frequently Asked Questions Q: What kind of grades do I need to be competitive? A: To be competitive you should list most if not all of the Fall entry requirements and have a strong pre-req GPA. Q: How many points can I earn toward the application to be competitive? A: The points can vary each year so we suggest you apply if you are eligible. Q: I am having trouble doing the application – where can I go for help? A: Please read over Section 1 in Moodle for information about how to do the online application. Help with Adobe can be obtained in the ATC (building 2). Your advising team can answer questions, but cannot sit and do the application with you. Email your concerns to
FAQ Continued Q: What happens after the applications are submitted? A: Register for classes required for Fall entry and you will be notified in mid May about your application status. Q: How long is the waiting list? A: There is no waiting list. Students are either accepted, placed on an alternate list or not accepted. Q: How will I manage that workload each term during the program? A: Dental Assisting is a concentrated program that requires good reading and study skills. Using tutoring and talking to your peers and instructors are recommended. Students are on campus most of the day and spend a minimum of 24 hours per week spring term in cooperative education community clinical sites.
Tips for Success Don’t do this alone. Ask for help (use tutoring, advisors, counselors) Consider less than full-time to perform well in each class Do informational interviews or job shadowing to see if this is what you really want Get work in the Health Care field to see what opportunities exist in the medical world Seek advising the second or third week of the term to check-in and get updates – typically this is the slowest time of each term Register early to help with your term-by-term planning and to gain access to high demand courses