Blind Rehabilitation Tips for Home, services & resources Homonymous Hemianopsia Due to surgery
Homonymous Hemianopsia a condition in which a person sees only one side―right or left―of the visual world of each eye.
Homonymous Hemianopsia
Homonymous Hemianopsia
Blind Rehabilitation Working with individuals of all ages who are blind or visually impaired to increase their independence in all aspects of their lives through four key areas of orientation and mobility, daily living skills, assistive technology and braille.
Blind rehabilitation resources American Foundation for the Blind American Council of the blind National Federation of the blind
Blind rehabilitation Services Division of blind services Florida Lighthouse central Florida
Early intervention Birth to 6 years old. Services are provided to the child and family in the child’s home, day care, school, neighborhood or center-based setting. Learning is structured to maximize the visual and developmental progress of each child.
School age 6 to 13 a supplement to services already offered by the school system who are not currently enrolled in any other DBS service program. These services enhance each individual’s learning and ability to function independently, and engage the individual’s parents, guardians, and family members as integral members who can help foster independence. The School-Aged, Children’s Program supports the Expanded Core Curriculum and encourages socialization and independent living skills.
Transition 14 to 22 They are currently being served by the school system under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Lighthouse Central Florida employs an expanded core curriculum, which complements the IEP, but also extends into vocational training and social experiences for the student.
Adults 22 and up. Work with individuals in four key areas to provide indolence through Orientation and Mobility, Independent Living Skills, Access Technology and Braille. Family workshop where family member and loved ones can learn a little of what our client’s are learning and how they work towards independence.
Impact on travel and living skills Visual Auditory Physical cognitive
Tips for kids from birth to 6 Stimulate with colors, sounds and contrast. work on keeping the babies mobile Introduce scanning and tracking Playing and working with toys to use as pre canes. Adapted human guide
Tips for kids from 6 to 13 Use contrast in play and school. Work on scanning and tracking. Start introducing simple tasks in the kitchen such as stirring and pouring. Folding clothes. And Making beds. IEP with school system with Teacher for the Visually Impaired and Orientation and Mobility. After school programs like Lighthouse Central Florida.
Tips for teenagers 14 to 22 Increasing chores and responsibility around the home by using adaptations. IEP with school system with Teacher for the Visually Impaired and Orientation and Mobility. After school programs like lighthouse central Florida
Adults basic living skills tips Pouring: Use of a liquid level indicator and contrast. Locating: Grid Pattern Labeling: Bump dots, rubber bands, etc
Travel tips for adults Orientation and mobility Human guide Ask for assistance Adaptive mobility device Orientation and mobility
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