Meade High School PBIS Ideas in Action PBIS Regional Meeting January 2009
About Meade High School Meade Vision: providing instruction that is rigorous, relevant, and engaging within a learning environment that is nurturing, respectful, and culturally sensitive Large, diverse student population Extremely active PTSA PBIS since 2002
Student academic ineligibility has decreased by 2% from 1st quarter 2007-08 to 2008-09
9th grade students decreased the 4% the number of students who failed at least one class from first quarter 2007-08 to 2008-09
PBIS @ Meade Mustang Support Program Dress to Impress Days Right Start/PBIS Publication PBIS Big Events…Meade Idol Regular Acknowledgements Passing of the Mustang PBIS Kick Off Week
Goals of PBIS Kick-Off Week ↑ School Pride ↑ Buy-In ↑ PBIS Visibility
PBIS Kick-Off Week Announcements Advertisements Teacher Incentives Student Incentives Student Involvement
Grade Level Challenge
Mustang Support Program