Hello everyone. My name is Radovan Lausevic


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Presentation transcript:

Levizja e lire per Personat me Aftesi te Kufizuar: Nje e drejte e paaksesueshme? Hello everyone. My name is Radovan Lausevic. I’m the regional research and publication coordinator for HI. I started working for HI in September last year. Prior to HI I worked in the Australian Public Service, in the Social Security field in various capacities for nineteen years.

The unbreakable chain of movement The unbreakable chain of movement entails that a person with any type of disability can go from their home, to town, to their work environment and to any building or space they choose, by any means of transport, and return home without facing barriers, experiencing discrimination or being exhausted.

Zinxhiri i panderprere i levizjes Cdo pjese e zinxhirit duhet te vihen ne vendin e duhur ne menyre qe te mundesohet levizja pa pengesa ne mjedis. Rruget, kthesat dhe i gjithe mjedisi jane pa pengesa Shtepi pune kafene park shtepi Transporti Publik i aksesueshem

Hallkat e zinxhirit Sherbime Mbeshtetese Mjedis i pershtatur Ndihmesi personal (kujdestari) Paisje ndihmese Sherbime interpreti Mjedis i pershtatur Ndertesat publike jane pershtatur per te gjithe Mjedisi jashte shtepise Transporti eshte i aksesueshem (autobus, tren, tramvaj, metrote, taksite dhe transporti nderurban dhe nderkombetar)

Asistenca personale lehteson levizjen e lire Hallkat e zinxhirit Asistenca personale lehteson levizjen e lire

Hallkat e zinxhirit Shtepi e pershtatur

Ndertese publike e pershtatur Hallkat e zinxhirit Ndertese publike e pershtatur

Mjedisi i jashtem i pershtatur Hallkat e zinxhirit Mjedisi i jashtem i pershtatur

Transport i aksesueshem Hallkat e zinxhirit Transport i aksesueshem

Zhvendosja e paradigmes Zhvendosje drejt modelit social qe flet per zhdukjen e pengesave sociale dhe mjedisore dhe qe ju lejon njerezve me aftesi te kufizuar te njejtat te drejta si edhe qytetareve te tjere. Konventa e OKB, neni 1: …aftesia e kufizuar eshte nje koncept ne zhvillim e siper, ajo vjen si pasoje e nderveprimit te personave me demtime me pengesat mjedisore dhe kulturore qe pengojne pjesemarrjen e plote te tyre ne shoqeri ne menyre te barabarte me te tjeret.

Koncepte kyc Projektimi Universal dhe Projektimi per te Gjithe Universal Design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible without the need for specialized design or adaptation Design-for-All, developed in the early 1990’s in Ireland, similar to Universal Design, is design for human diversity, social inclusion and equality. everything that is designed and made by people to be used by people – must be accessible, convenient for everyone in society to use and responsive to evolving human diversity.

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Mjedisi i ndertuar eshte i pa-arritshem/paperdorshem. Sherbimet mbeshtetetse nuk jane ngritur ne komunitet Ka pak iniciativa te mira,por qe nuk jane perhapur Ka nivel te ulet ndergjegjesimi dhe njohurish rreth standarteve te pershtatshmerise dhe te parimeve te Projektim per te Gjithe Standartet e pershtatshmerise te parashikuara nga ligjet zbatohen pak dhe pershtatshmeria nuk eshte rregulluar me nen-ligje dhe as eshte rrymezuar ne ligje te tjera

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Ndertese ekzistuese Qender sherbimi social

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Mjedisi jashte i papershtatur

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Makinat pengojne njerezit te levizin ne trotuar

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Autobus i papershtatur

Gjetjet kryesore ne rajon Rruge e re por me nderprerje te trotuarit

Praktika te mira Qendra per jetese te pavarur ne Serbi: Sherbimi i asistences personale kontrollohet nga perdoruesi i sherbimit Pershtatje e nje shtepie ne Sarajeve me fonde publike te qeverise Qender keshillimi per banesa te pershtatura ne Kroaci SPAS project – in 2005 there were 70 users and 72 personal assistants funded by CRS and Irish government. In 2006 they got a funding extension from the Irish government but for less users. The Serbian government gave partial funding for 2007 and CIL is working to mainstream personal assistance services into the overall social protection system.

Praktika te mira Qendra votimi te pershtatura ne Kosove Pershtatja e nje autobusi per nxenes ne Maqedoni Avokim per autobuza me platforme te ulet hyrese ne Tuzla, Bosnie Herzegovine.

Duhet nje kuader politikash Per te siguruar lidhjen mes hallkave te zinxhirit, duhet: Nje kuader politikash qe Rrit ndergjegjesimin Rregullon kuadrin ligjor Qe e ben Projektimin Universal dhe Projektimin per te Gjithe pjese te programit mesimor dhe te praktikave studentore Planifikon me pjesemarrje Legal framework needed: strong anti-discrimination legislation, regulatory mechanisms for support services at the community level, laws on planning and building that make accessibility standards mandatory and public procurement laws.

Gjetjet Kryesore Kuadri ligjor i paplote ose inekzistent Nuk ka mekanizma shtrengues dhe standarte per zbatim ligji Planifikim i pamjaftueshem urban Profesionistet pergjegjes per mjedisin e ndertuar nuk jane trajnuar ne standarte pershtatshmerie Mungon planifikimi me pjesemarrje

Praktika te mira Fushate per perfshirjen e standarteve te pershtatshmerise ne ligjin per territorin dhe planifikimin urban ne Maqedoni Aprovimi I rregullores se re per pershtatshmerine e te gjitha ndertesave te reja ne Doboj, Bosnie Herzegovine Projektimi Universal i perfshire ne programin e ri te Departmentit te Arkitektures ne Novi Sad, Serbi Heqja e pengesave permes keshillimit, ne Beograd 1. In 2005, Polio Plus drafted amendments to the law on construction to include a provision on reducing barriers in the built environment for people with disabilities. 2. In Tuzla, a group of DPOs in partnership with municipal bodies drafted a new regulation called “Regulating the Conditions of Planning and Building without Barriers to Mobility of Children and Persons with Reduced Physical Mobility” which was accepted in 2004. According to this new regulation, all new dwellings must be accessible; not only the entrance and common spaces but also he first floor flats have to be accessible to people with disabilities. 3. Note: professors did not consult with people with disabilities when including accessibility in curriculum and there was no dialogue with DPOs. 4. the Association of Students with Disabilities of Serbia worked with the city of Belgrade and heir construction partners to respect accessibility standards when reconstructing streets and sidewalks When the reconstruction began, ADS was asked to be a consultant for the project.

Praktika te mira nga jashte Shembull nga Brazili: keshilltaret bashkiake thirren Qendren per jetese te pavarur te Río de Janeiro (CVI/Rio), per te perfshire pershtashmerine ne procesin e planifikimit urban. As participatory planning is weak in the region, we can look at an example from Rio. In 1994, the Rio Cidade Project was carried out to transform the urban face of Río de Janeiro with the objective to revitalise public areas of the city, including establishing regulations and improving urban standards. During the first three-year phase, CVI/Rio oversaw accessibility projects and advised on their execution through weekly team meetings; daily visits to construction sites, and reporting to the town council. Brazil’s largest organisation for visually impaired, Benjamin Constant, was also consulted on including signals for people with impaired vision in the project. Planning was done with all users in mind, regardless of their abilities and solutions included; ramps, textured pathways, accessible routes along repaved sidewalks, and all urban fixtures were relocated outside the pedestrian traffic pattern and were re-sized to meet accessibility standards.

Rekomandimet kryesore Zhvillimi i sherbimeve mbeshtetese Hartimi i nje kuardi te plote ligjor me mekanizma detyrues dhe monitorues Te gjitha planet urbane duhet te ndjekin parimin e pershtatshmerise Te gjitha ndertimet e reja dhe sherbimet e reja te transportit duhet te jene te pershtatura dhe duhet te parashikohet kostoja e pershtatshmerise per ndertesat ekzistuese Projektim per te Gjithe duhet te perfshihet ne te gjitha programet e arsimit per profesionistet qe planifikojne dhe ndertojne mjedisin

Rekomandimet kryesore Duhet shume ndergjegjesim Duhet te zhvillohet aftesia monitoruese e shoqerise civile per monitorimin e zbatimit te standarteve te pershtatshmerise Duhet ndertuar aleanca mes ndertuesve (planifikuesve te mjedisit dhe shoqates se ndertuesve) dhe shoqatave te PAK Plani urban i bashkise duhet te behet me pjesemarrjen e te gjithe aktoreve: ndertues dhe perdorues mjedisi.