Cont’d Writing and Reading Class 5 Cont’d Writing and Reading
Schedule Quiz Writing Reading 5-Paragraph Essay Annotated Bibliography Introductions Conclusions Annotated Bibliography How to make one Elements needed Practice Reading Unit 4 Activity Inferences
Quiz Put away books/phones/food/etc.
Writing Due Date: October 12th
(Thesis Restated / Summary / Connector) Subtopic 1 (Summary) Subtopic 2 (Summary) Subtopic 3 (Summary) Primary Ideas Introduction and Closing Introduction (Hook / GTS / Thesis) Conclusion (Thesis Restated / Summary / Connector)
Basic Steps to Writing Establish your topic & brainstorm Create a BASIC outline (5-paragraph) Look for sources of information Search for your sources and take notes Cite your sources Write a rough draft Revise Proofread the final draft Lets Choose a Topic Problems with the U.S.
Next Step – Create a basic outline Now on to the INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH
Introduction: Transitions General Little More Specific Thesis
Introduction: From the General to the Specific Begin generally. Begin with a hook: Anecdote, Quotation, Question, Statistic GENERAL Explain how your hook applies to the specific topic. SPECIFIC Give some brief background information THESIS Thesis: Your main point. Big idea Thesis is the last sentence of the introduction.
Thesis Statement
The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph Every 5-paragraph essay has a THESIS STATEMENT. 1 sentence Clear and concise Main point of the paper ARGUE A POINT/POSITION DON’T summarize information or facts The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph
A thesis takes a “stand rather” than announcing a subject Announcement: The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our environmental problems. Today, I’m going to talk about… Thesis: Solving Seoul’s environmental problems are more difficult than many individuals are led to believe. X X X X X
The Thesis Statement A good thesis provides a position on an issue AND suggests the structure of the paper. The thesis should allow the reader to imagine and anticipate the flow of the paper, in which a sequence of points logically prove the essay’s main assertion.
The Conclusion Paragraph
Conclusion Outline: Thesis (restated) Summary Connector
1st: Thesis Restated First prepare a modified thesis: Normal Thesis: Therefore, mobile phones have potential to cause harmful effects for many reasons. …modify it… In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects.
Decrease in face-to-face communication Sentence 2: Summary Thesis: Therefore, mobile phones have to potential to cause harmful effects for many reasons. Topic 1: Radio waves Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Topic 2: Distracting Topic 3: Decrease in face-to-face communication
Put the Thesis Restated & Summary Together Topic 1: Radio waves, Topic 2: distracting, and Topic 3: decrease in face-to-face communication. In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects. They are producing harmful radio waves, distracting us from our work, and are decreasing our face-to-face communication with our friends and family members. You just need to take the subtopic sentences and place them together to create 1-sentence. You will need add some words here and there in order to make a good, complete sentence.
Sentence 3: Connector All In All Need to connect what you’ve said…to something the reader sees everyday Good Connection: So the next time you are using your smartphone in front of your family or friends, remember that it is actually causing more damage than good. Good Connection: We should all be aware of the serious effects of what our smartphones can do since the majority of the population in Korea have one resting in their pockets. Good Connection: So as a result, constantly using your smartphone is not a very smart thing to do. All In All In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects. They are producing harmful radio waves, distracting us from our work, and are decreasing our face-to-face communication with our friends and family members. So we must all be aware of the serious effects of what our smartphones can do since the majority of the population in Korea have one resting in their pockets.
The Works Cited Page
Read Sources and Take Notes Is this a credible source? Who is the author specifically? History? How is this source helpful to me? What is the main idea of this article? What are the supporting details which the source discusses AND is important to MY ideas for the Final Paper? How do you cite the article?
Books Book with Single Author: Book with Multiple Authors: Gore, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale. Book with Multiple Authors: Michaels, P. J., Johnson, D., & Balling, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the air about global warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
Journal Article Journal Article: Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31. Name of Author. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Magazine, Volume #, Page #’s.
Newspaper Newspaper Articles Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A. Name. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Name of newspaper, pages of the article.
Internet Website: Gelspan, R. (2007, January 2nd). The Heat Is Online. Retrieved from The Heat Is Online website: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from
Practice See handout With the handout, create the correct citations for each of the sources. Work with a partner
Devils Advocate Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for littering?
What are some ways energy is wasted? List 8 of them.
What do you think of smoking?
Who is more to blame? The government or individuals for the majority of pollution. Why?
What can large cities do to improve their air quality? Give 4 examples
Unit 4 Groups of three Read handout and Unit 4 reading 1 Make your own quiz questions. 6 questions needed
Homework Have a complete outline of your Midterm 5- Paragraph Essay Have your Midterm Presentation organized Have your topic Introduction Bodies (what are your main points?) Conclusion Online HW – Unit 4 Vocabulary 1 / Reading Comprehension / Reading Skill / Grammar Expansion