Skipcha Elementary School Counseling Program
Introductions Patricia Journey-Kindergarten, second, and fourth grades Joan Russell-First, third , and fifth grades Genna Vivona-Pre-Kindergarten and skills We follow the student’s from year to year to build rapport and develop relationships with students and families.
Topics covered in guidance lessons Classroom Guidance Topics covered in guidance lessons Self-Esteem, friendship skills, conflict resolution, bullying, drug prevention, careers, safety, and character traits
Groups Group is considered a tutorial for students who need extra help with social skills in class.
Student Leadership Team Two areas of leadership team opportunities for 4th and 5th grade students Student Council Student to Student (S2S) Both groups work together to support community service through art, advertising, and school projects.
Student Council Leadership/Service organization for 4th and 5th graders who apply and are selected by teachers and sponsors Safety patrol is also a part of student council Meets after school on Wednesday
Student 2 Student Enrichment Group for 4th -5th graders. They are selected through an application process viewed by teachers and counselors Gives tours to new students Safety patrol is also a part of S2S Meets during the school day
Administrative Support Help teachers with behavior plans Ideas for classroom management RTI Process Helping students with academics Testing for gifted and talented