Chapter 1 Review A Portrait of Americans How is America like a mosaic? What different ethnic groups make up American society? What are some basic American values?
Chapter 2 Review American Society and Its Values What are 5 social institutions that play an important role in shaping Americans. What are the 3 different forms of government that we discussed?
Chapter 3 The Meaning of Citizenship Who can be a US citizen?
Who can be a US citizen? Born in the U.S. or U.S. territory 1 of your parents are a U.S. citizen Naturalization – Legal Process p. 57 Less than 18 when Parents naturalized
Rights of citizens? Right to vote and hold office Free Speech Freedom of Religion Fair Trial
Duties of Citizens? Obey Laws Defend the Nation Serve on jury or as a witness Pay Taxes Attend School
Social Roles You consumer citizen friend Family member Social group member Student or worker
Quick Review How does one become a US citizen? What are your rights as a US citizen? What are your duties as a US citizen?
Chapter 3 Assessment Questions Write out the questions and your answers based on the textbook and your notes. Turn in for a classwork grade when completed. Ch. 3 Review and Assessment, page 78 # 1 - 11
Start Studying!!!! Begin reviewing your notes, key terms, and chapter assessment questions for your test on chapter 1 – 3.