Tips for Telephone Interviews
Are You Ready for a Phone Interview? Dont be intimidated Phone interview is often a prelude to a face-to- face interview Used to select a pool of candidates to have a more in-depth interview
1. Allow Enough Time Make sure you do your homework – Prepare for the interview by thinking of questions ahead of time Schedule at a mutually convenient time – Allow for more than 30 minutes Make sure to jot down the name and number of the person you interview with
2. Find a Quiet Place Quiet area with no distractions – No TV, Barking Dogs, Children, Radio…etc. Eliminate all disturbances – Tell family/roommates not to bother you – Turn off cell phone (if calling from home phone) If not possible to have a quiet place at home then arrange to take call elsewhere – Car, School, Office…etc.
3. Caution!! Note Taking Have pen and paper available Write down address, phone number, and correct spelling of name Try NOT to take notes during interview – Note taking can create uncomfortable pauses – You may miss important information Write notes at conclusion of interview – It will still be fresh in your mind
4. Dress Professionally It will make a difference on how you feel about yourself Assume same dress and professional demeanor as you would meeting in person Positive and confident attitude important!
5. Be Prepared List of what to have on hand: – Advertisement you responded to – Copy of your resume and cover letter – Copy of a well rehearsed statement of your professional and educational background – List of your skills – List of questions for you to ask the interviewer
6. Practice, Practice, Practice!! Practice with a friend/relative Practice in front of a mirror Smile, it impacts your attitude and even over the phone you can tell Speak clearly and sincerely Do not rush the conversation Listen Pausing to gather thoughts is OKAY!
7. Things to Watch Out for Dont ramble Dont interrupt the interviewer Focus your questions on situation at hand Avoid long periods of silence Dont discuss compensation – Better to deal with those questions in person – When in person you can then inquire the salary range for the position
8. Conclusion of Interview Ask other questions THANK THE INTERVIEWER Show enthusiasm about pursing opportunity – Ask about next step in the process Write a thank you note the same day After a couple days follow up with a phone call – to reinforce your desire for an in person interview