The idea of man in the Literary texts we studied so far
THE MAN In the 3- sonnet 2-Ballad 1-Epic poem 3.1 The Sonneteer 3.2 The beloved 2.1The Lord 1.1 The Hero 1.2 The Knight
1.1 BEOWULF 1. EPIC POEM Hero A person who dies for his ideals The characterization of the hero is made up of: -the use of adjectives -the use of abstract lexis referred to his values -what other people think of him generosity courage bravery loyalty
1. EPIC POEM 1.2 THE KNIGHT During the Middle Ages he was a fighting man FEATURES He had a horse and an armour He was rich He fought in crusades He had to follow some specific values -generousity -loyalty -courage He had to be -polite -modest -nice looking
2.1 THE LORDS 2. THE BALLAD (POPULAR FORMS OF POETRY) They were men who belong to Aristocracy They spent time hountig in the forests They met dangerous woman who tented and wanted to polite them (the ballad: Lord Randal)
3.1 THE SONNETEERS 3. THE SONNET (aristocratic form of poetry) They were men who belong to Aristocracy, they spent time writing lyrical poems. The adressee were unattainable ladies Blue eyes Fair hair angelic
3.2 THE BELOVED 3.SONNET The male adressee of some sonnets Shakespeare 'Fair Youth' an unnamed young man to whom sonnets 1-126 are addressed
The man is mainly a warrior/ a hero SUMMARY Middle Ages Renaissance DURING THE The man is mainly a warrior/ a hero The man is in love