Reaching Communities for Christ The Orlando Institute
Equipping People – Part One TOM 6 5 4 3 2 1 Equipping to build spiritual movements TOM
First Step : A person with God’s heart (a disciple) Knows and loves Jesus Christ Walks with God and is a faithful disciple Active in a local church Wants to help reach people for Christ
Second step: Find a mentor Who is a faithful disciple already Who is able to train other disciples Who is willing to be equipped for deeper training
Step three: Begin training Begin meeting weekly Begin the TOI Evangelism class The mentor begins the mentor training Begin praying for people to whom God will send you
Step four: In week three Choose a neighborhood to reach for Christ Pray, Go, Share
Step five: Follow the TOI training to multiplication You will learn to disciple people You will begin a small group You will help others become disciples You will help others become multipliers You will reach neighborhoods for Christ
Reaching Neighborhoods - Part Two
Step Six: Find people who share the heart and the vision to reach the city for Christ They will be doing the job They will have the heart for God They will quickly see the vision Pray together
Step Seven: See what God is doing Where are churches growing? Where has there been spiritual warfare? Who is making disciples? Who are the spiritual heads of the city?
Step Eight: Begin to meet and pray monthly Talk about praying for and sharing the gospel with every person What can you do together which you cannot do apart?
Step Nine: Begin praying for workers for each neighborhood of the city Begin pastors and intercessors prayer groups, in neighborhoods and city-wide Begin a city-wide training center Begin outreach to the neighborhoods through the churches, using people from the training center
What it could look like
Reaching the City - Part Three Engage in spiritual warfare Recognize and cooperate with like-minded churches and people Don’t stifle any vision – encourage anyone who wants to reach the city Network individuals who want to transform their part of the city, for example Vision Orlando
Building Movements – Part Four Five Keys to Building Spiritual Movements 1. One person or a small group are challenged by a Bible truth, usually a salvation issue. 2. Some specific area of need (their own community or a mission field) becomes a target audience where the salvation message needs to be applied. One or more individuals feels called to go and meet the need.
3. The person proclaims the gospel, doing evangelism and discipling those who respond: some converts, some Christians who respond to the vision. 4. The ministry is build using a multiplication philosophy (II Tim. 2:2) and a community of spirit is formed within the new converts, leading to church planting. Training is used to prepare workers to quickly extend the work to a wider target area.
5. As the target area is reached either a broader mission is chosen or the movement levels out into a stable church environment. Eventually, if multiplication is continued, 1) a mission, 2) a church body, and 3) a leadership training methodology are established and institutionalized.