The Toucan
Inherited Traits Toucan have black, white, yellow, blue and orange feathers. The toucan has a colorful beak. Toucans have long bills to make them look bigger. It sleeps with it’s head backwards along it’s back with it’s tail over it.
Special Features A toucan has different colored eyes such as blue or orange. It has blue feet and a black tail.
Where does it live? It lives high in the trees of the rainforest in a hole barely big enough for the adult to fit into. This helps keeps predators out. The toucan lives in South and Central America
Behaviors When a toucan senses danger, the flock squawks and screams. This is usually enough to make the enemy go away. Since toucans are safe in their holes, they are quite lazy birds.
Interesting Facts A toucan doesn’t sing like other birds. Instead, it croaks like a frog or barks. A toucan eats lots of different things. They are omnivores- they eat both plants and animals! Toucan have a light, hollow bill.
By Yalitza and Karla