Homework on ecosystems Go through and highlight important information. Tundra- mainly found between the Arctic Circle to about 60-70 degrees North. Cold, windy and dry conditions support low-growing plants easily damaged by development e.g. oil exploration and tourism. Deciduous and coniferous forests- located roughly 50-60 degrees North. Deciduous trees shed their leaves in winter, but cone-bearing coniferous evergreen are better suited to colder climates. Homework on ecosystems Go through and highlight important information. Produce a revision card on the outline. Answer the Exam question Temperate grassland- located 30-40 degrees north and south of the equator and always inland. Warm, dry summers and cold winters support grasses for grazing animals Hot deserts- covering 5% of the Earth’s surface. High daytime temperatures and low night time temperatures. Very little rainfall restrict plant and animals to highly specialised species Mediterranean- Hot, dry sunny summers and mild winters support olive groves and citrus fruits. Tropical grassland (Savanna)- located between 15-30 degrees north and south of the Equator. Distinct wet and dry seasons support large herds of grazing animals and their predators. Polar- located around the North and South Poles. Low temperatures -50c and dry conditions prohibit most plant and animal life. Tropical rainforest-covering 6% of the Earth’s surface mainly close to the Equator. High temperatures and heavy rainfall create ideal conditions for vegetation. More than half of all plants and a quarter of all medicines originate here.
Examine the distribution of the world’s biomes 6 marks ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marks 1-2 Basic sentences about distribution. Does not use very much evidence to support explanation Marks 3-4 Able to write clear locational facts about biomes Marks 5-6 Able to produce a well structured locational facts about all the major biomes of the world