The Skeletal System
Functions of Bones Support _________ Protection Movement Mineral __________ ________ production (hemopoiesis) __________ (fat) storage Where does hemopoiesis take place? Protection homeostasis Blood cell Triglyceride 99% of the body’s calcium is stored in bone and 85% of the body’s phosphorous is stored in bone. In the bone marrow
The Human Skeleton
Division of Skeletal System All other bones Skull Vertebrae Ribs Sacrum coccyx Axial skeleton Protect and support Appendicular skeleton Movement
Pectoral Girdle Made up of the: Scapula Clavicle Humerus
Pelvic Girdle Made up of the: Pelvis Coccyx Sacrum Femur
Ribs Intercostal Space True ribs vs false ribs Floating ribs Space between ribs True ribs vs false ribs True directly connect to sternum False: Connect to sternum via cartilage Floating ribs Do not connect to sternum Costal cartilage is made up of hylaine cartilage.
Hyoid Bone Only bone that does not articulate with another bone
Table Talk What is the function of the bones of the appendicular skeleton? Hint: Think of their structure and location. If you needed to inject adrenaline into the heart, where would you place the needle? Why?
Types of Bones _______ than they are wide 2. Short Bones Cube shaped 1. Long Bones _______ than they are wide 2. Short Bones Cube shaped _______ in length and width Flat Bones Thin Large surface area for _________ attachment Irregular Bones ________ shaped Longer Muscle Equal Weirdly
Types of Bones Sternum Carpal Bones
Classification of Bones 1. Name of bone: Type of bone: You need to do this for all bones you are given
Classification of Bones Long Bones Femur Humerus Ulna Radius Phalanges Tibia Fibula Clavicle Short Bones Wrist and ankle bones Patella Flat Bones Cranial bones Sternum Ribs Scapula Irregular Bones Vertebrae Some facial bones
Types of Bone Tissue Long bones: Compact Bone Solid ________ Spongy bone Trabeculae __________ production “Other” bones Spongy bone is found ___________ outer layer Marrow all over the bone
Types of Bone Tissue Spongy Bone Compact Bone
Structure of Long Bone (Table Talk) Why are osteogenic cells necessary for growth? Predict what would happen if the nutrient artery were damaged beyond repair. Predict what would happen if the medullary cavity were made of solid bone (instead of being hollow).
Microscopic Structure of Bone Tissue (Osseous Tissue) The matrix is composed of _________ collagen and ___________ Osteocytes Mature bone cells Enclosed in _________(chambers) Lacunae form rings called __________around a ____________ (hold blood vessels) collagen inorganic salts lacunae Several structures are found within the matrix There is a bunch of “stuff” found within the rings lamella Haversian Canal
Continued Canaliculi Tiny canals that link ___________ osteocytes Haversian and Volkmann canals Provide space for ___________ which _______________ osteocytes Blood vessels nutrients Canaliculi link the rings of bone
Table Talk Find the... Haversian Canal Volkman's Canal Lamellae Spongy Bone Compact Bone Table Talk
This should look familiar B D A C
Bone Development hyaline gradually turns Ossification Bone begins as ___________ cartilage Hyaline cartilage _______________ into bone (ossification) hyaline gradually turns
Bone Growth Occurs at the ______________________ (band of cartilage between epiphysis and diaphysis) Bones elongate as cartilage cells ___________ then ossify Growth is complete when the growth plate ___________ epiphyseal line/growth plate multiply closes Epiphysis Diaphysis
Human Hand Growth
Table Talk Is growth complete in this bone? How do you know this?
The Vertebrae Functions: Movement Protects ___________ ___________ for ribs and muscles Humans have _____ total 33 if you count the sacrum (5) and coccyx (4) spinal cord Attachment The spinal cord ends between T12 and L1 Humans have 33 if you count the fused bones of the sacrum (5) and coccxy (4) 24
Cervical Vertebrae Have 3 foramen Spinous process is split Transverse foramen allow for passage of blood vessels
Atlas and Axis Atlas (C1) Axis (C2) Lacks the body and spinous process Yes movement Axis (C2) Has the dens Side-to-side movement
Thoracic Vertebrae Costal facets Articulate with ribs
Lumbar Vertebrae Wide body Short and thick projections
Identify the vertebrae Cervical Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae Cervical Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae
Table Talk Predict what would happen if you severely damaged a part of the spinal cord that was protected by one of the cervical vertebrae? Predict what would happen if you severely damaged a part of the spinal cord that was protected by one of the lumbar vertebrae?
Features of the Skull Foramen ____________ Holes Sutures ____________ bones Fontanels (soft spots) __________ bone tissue Holes Connect Unossified
What is the function of this foramen? Foramen Magnum
Cranial Sutures Coronal suture Sagittal suture Lambdoid suture Squamous suture
Bones of the Skull
Bones of the Skull (Inferior)
Bones of the Feet
Bones of the Ankle Ankle and Upper foot - 7 bones called Tarsals Large heel bone is the calcaneous Foot = metatarsals Toes = phalanges
My In Laws Never Clean Their Cleats Assignment – Foot Coloring
Wrist - 8 small bones called carpels Wrist Bones Wrist - 8 small bones called carpels Metacarpals (hand) Fingers: Phalanges
Bones of the Hand
How to learn the carpals? Or: Some lovers try positions that they can’t handle. Some Lemurs Try Peanuts That They Can’t Handle
Osteoblasts vs Osteoclasts “Bone _________ _______ minerals Forms bone matrix Osteoclasts “Bone breaking” ________ minerals /watch?v=78RBpWSOl08 building” Absorb Releases
Osteoblasts vs Osteoclasts
Calcium Homeostasis Bone regulates blood calcium level osteoclasts Low levels- __________ are activated High levels- _________ are activated This is an example of _________ feedback osteoclasts osteoblasts Negative
Bone Remodeling Old bone is replaced by new bone Via action of _________ and ______________ ______________ and occurs throughout life Triggered by ________________ Damage osteoclasts osteoblasts Normal process Repeated stress
Fractures /watch?v=CUAMGrWiV6 w Kevin Ware
Fractures Tutorial Fractured Clavicle protrudes Partial ________ break across the bone Complete Complete break across the bone Closed Bone _________ break through skin Open Broken bones _________ through skin Complete does not Fractured Clavicle protrudes
Types of Fractures
Fracture Repair Process Swelling and bleeding Callus formation Bony callus formation Bone remodeling
Fracture Repair Essentials Blood Vessels must _______________ Carry _____________ necessary for repair Bone cells must be able to ________________ remain intact nutrients regenerate **The new bone is easily detectable in X-ray’s because it forms a “bulge” at the fracture site
Table Talk Which layer of bone must remain intact in order for bones to heal properly? Why? Predict what would happen to a patient if his/her bone cells were unable to regenerate.
Fracture Case Studies Which bone(s) was/were broken? Age of patient: Identify the type of Fracture: Treatment: **Determine the type of fracture based on the x-ray **Support your reasoning with evidence from the x-ray
Bones and Aging Destruction formation HGH collagen Bone mass decreases with age __________ occurs faster than _________ Bones become brittle Less ______ (strength) Less _______ (flexible) Destruction formation HGH collagen Bone mass decreases because bone destruction occurs faster than bone formation and demineralization Bones becomes brittle because less HGH is made and less collagen fibers are made (strength and flexibility)