August 11th, 2016 AC Language Arts Brown
Focus Standard ELAGSE8W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Rewrite the standard, explaining what we will be working on.
Why is studying themes important? Definition: An idea, concept, or lesson that appears repeatedly throughout a story, reflects the character’s internal journey through the external plot, and resonates with the reader. Not directly presented- you have to figure it out yourself. Importance to Readers: Relates character to his or her struggle. Allows you to connect to the characters. Gives author’s insight and views on society. Teaches you universal lessons.
Theme Example- The Hunger Games Survival Humanity vs. Inhumanity Freedom on Speech/Expression Society and Class
Theme Example- Fahrenheit 451 Censorship Paradox Between Life and Death Ignorance vs. Knowledge Technology
Theme Example- Star Wars The Mystery of the Power of the Force. Nature over Technology The Hero’s Destiny
Round One: List words that describe the pictures below.
Round Two- Discuss and List Words that describe the pictures below.
Unit One Theme- Misconceptions: a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. Discussion Questions: Why do we have misconceptions, such as popular views on Native Americans? What are some misconceptions you see in your life?
Unit One Project- No Due Date- Yet… Two aspects: Writing to Convince Photo Reflection and Presentation Worktime: In Class. Drafting Days. At Home.
Ticket Out- Half Sheet of Paper Answer one of the following questions in a Brief Constructed Response Format: Why are themes important in literature? Cite a theme from a text or film you have read or seen before as an example. Cite a misconception you see in your community or something that has to do with you. How is it untrue? Why would other people think that way?