Navigating Financial Aid Websites Presenters: Joan Hock, Director of Financial Aid, Delaware Valley University Melissa Ibanez, Assoc VP of Enrollment Mgmt & Director of Financial Aid, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
WELCOME! Our review of the following online resources will help you become your own “go-to” person! Find all the resources you and your students need to answer basic and complex financial aid questions.
Federal Student Aid Understanding the Basics Prepare for College: college FSA Glossary: Eligibility Info: Types of Aid:
Completing the FAFSA (2018-19) -mobile-options
Completing the FAFSA (2018-19) Great site that gives in depth information on HOW TO COMPLETE THE FAFSA completing-fafsa.pdf
Selective Service System Who must register? How to check a registration?
International students information Scholarships and loans for international students Cultural Differences Living in the USA College Admissions
G-845, Verification Request The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program (SAVE) The SAVE Program provides a fast, secure and efficient verification service for federal, state and local benefit-granting agencies to verify a benefit applicant's immigration status or naturalized/derived citizenship Replaced the G-845 paper form on May 1, 2018 Acts as a Secondary Confirmation Process when FAFSA edits cannot verify eligible non-citizenship for a student
NSLDS National Student Loan Data System for Students The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program, and other Department of ED programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants so that recipients of Title IV Aid can access and inquire about their Title IV loans and/or grant data.
NSLDS National Student Loan Data System for Financial Aid Administrators This site is for professional use only to determine applicant eligibility for Title IV aid. This system is LIMITED to approved use by AUTHORIZED personnel.
I F A P Information for Financial Aid Professionals The Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site consolidates guidance, resources, and information related to the administration and processing of Title IV federal student aid into one online site for use by the entire financial aid community. SAR Comment Codes R2T4 worksheets GEN letters Federal Student Aid Handbook Application and Verification Guide
PHEAA Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency College Planning Funding Opportunities State Grant Program – Account Access Partner Access Tool & Resources Forms for dependency overrides and PA State Grant Status Notices Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
AES American Education Services Account Access for Students Repaying your loans, trouble paying your loans, your account Financial Aid Professionals BPAMS, File Sharing, Direct Access, View Reports, Comsumer Portal, Document Library and School Portal
ALEC PHEAA School Portal & Partner Access Financial Aid Professionals BPAMS, File Sharing, Direct Access, View Reports, Consumer Portal, Document Library and School Portal
IRS Tax Return Transcripts Internal Revenue Service website to get tax transcript information online or by mail
NASFAA National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Has a vast array of financial aid information including info on: Today’s News, Training & Events, Tools & Resources, Advocacy, Policy & Research, Students, Parents & Counselors, About NASFAA AskRegs, NASFAA U, Student Aid Index, Standards of Excellence
PASFAA Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators The Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (PASFAA) is a dynamic service association whose mission is to provide training, mentoring and career support to members and other constituencies within a changing environment, to advocate for access to postsecondary education, and to educate the public on financial aid opportunities. Information: Members, Employment, Resources/News, Leadership, Events/Training, Business Partners, Outreach, About PASFAA
EASFAA Eastern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators EASFAA Offers You: An Annual Conference A Quarterly/Connection Newsletter – 4 issues Leadership Opportunities Legislative Advocacy Committee Involvement The EASFAA Region: CT, DE, DC, ME, MA, NH, NJ. NY, PA, PR, RI and VT
NEASEA Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators The Northeast Association of Student Employment Administrators (NEASEA) is a nonprofit association of professionals committed to programs for students who work while attending college. NEASEA supports student employment through the exchange of ideas, professional development, and the promotion of student employment administrators and their programs.
COD Common Origination and Disbursement Financial Aid Administrators, Servicers, or other officials can use this site to perform a variety of functions related to student/award/disbursement data for Pell, Direct Loan and Teach Grant programs. Student – Undergrad and Grad Parent – Complete the Master Promissory Note Complete Entrance/Exit/Financial Awareness Counseling TEACH Grant Counseling and Agreement Repayment Estimator Apply for Graduate PLUS loan Parent – Apply for a PLUS loan (PLUS counseling, Endorser Addendum, Appeal Credit Decision) Complete Master promissory Note Complete Credit Counseling if required
FINAID-L The FINAID-L mailing list is a discussion list for issues facing financial aid offices. To subscribe to the list, send email to finaid-l-subscribe- (no Subject: line or message body is necessary). Submissions should be sent to finaid- The list maintainers may be reached by sending email to
FAA Access to CPS Online Welcome to the FAA Main Menu Select an option from the following menu. It will be necessary to provide the TG# for your Destination Point and your Federal School Code: Student Inquiry View a student's Student Aid Report (SAR) information, including the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), NSLDS information, and SAR Comments. Compare two ISIR transactions for the same student using ISIR Compare. Submit a signature flag for an application in a signature hold status using the Standalone FAA Signature feature. Application Entry Enter a student's FAFSA/Renewal Application or Correction data and submit it to the CPS for processing. FAFSA/Renewal Application Corrections Restore a Saved Application Restore a partially completed and saved FAFSA/Renewal Application or Correction and submit it to the CPS for processing. Identity Verification Results Provide the required results of identity and high school completion status verification efforts. ISIR Request Request ISIR data. Return of Title IV Funds on the Web Calculate and manage the return of Title IV funds. Data is collected, and the Return of Title IV Funds is calculated according to ED's Student Assistance General Provisions.
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