Acids and Bases What is the pH scale?
Ions created from water If a water molecule breaks apart two ions form:
Hydrogen Ion H+ The hydrogen ion is formed from one of the hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen ion has lost its electron so it has a positive charge.
Hydroxide Ion OH- The oxygen and the other hydrogen atom stay connected together and are called the hydroxide ion The hydroxide ion gained an electron in the split so it has a negative charge
0 is the most acidic – many H+ ions, few OH- ions Basic Substances dissolved in water can create different amounts of H+ or OH- ions 0 is the most acidic – many H+ ions, few OH- ions 7 is neutral – equal H+ and OH- ions 14 is the most basic – few H+ ions, many OH- ions
H+ Cl- Acid or Base? This is hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid is produced in your stomach
H+ Acid or Base? This is carbonic acid Carbonic acid gives soda its fizz
OH- Acid or Base? This sodium hydroxide, a strong base Sodium hydroxide is used in drain pipe cleaners to dissolve clumps of hair that clog a pipe
Acid or Base? H+ OH- Did I trick you? Water is neutral
Short Video on Acid Rain