Raising awareness and overcoming prejudice against social services
About Slezská diakonie Slezská diakonie was founded in 1990 as a Christian based NGO. 8100 service users People with disabilities Elderly people Homeless people Families and youth Other people in need 1000 Staff members (300 part time) 108 Social services
Where do we work?
Introducing of the topic Discuss ways to make social services more visible and understandable for the public, service users, potential staff members, students and public authorities. Present initiatives to raise awareness, the challenges associated to their implementation and their impact. Discuss how diaconal actors can work towards common initiatives aimed at emphasising the key importance of social services in our societies.
Challenges in the Czech Republic (only)? Social services do not belong to the most attractive sectors– Why? Status of the profession in the society Lack of young people who would like to study social work or stay in the sector Lower level of unemployment – lack of people who would like to work in social services New ways of attracting people – no more waiting, but acting Lower salaries comparing to other professions
Challenges II What could be helpful ? Limited financial sources and dependency on public funding which is purpose based High level of fluctuation – investing in people who leave for better jobs Identity of the organization High claims for social workers skills What could be helpful ?
Searching for new options... Public awareness Building identity of the organization
Public awareness 1. Personel work Cooperation with secondary schools and universities Process of recruitment of new employees WANTED - >The system of supporting students in gaining practical experience in social services and within the NGO providing various social services Support and education of leaders Searching for Christian employees
Public awareness 2. Information against prejudice: A day with Social worker Students can visit social worker on his/her working environment Discussion about the social work 2. Mozaika (Mosaic) Regular audiovisual broadcasting from Slezská diakonie. Social media – FB, websites, youtube The movies are distributed in public places like: city or regional office, hospitals, waiting rooms at doctors, schools, municipal websites etc.
Building identity Organization design Product of the organization Organization identity Culture of the organization Attitude of the organization Communication of the organization Image of the organization Building identity
Communication towards public Sharing stories of the service users Sharing the services as a part of the community life Presenting our mission and values in open way Diaconal and Educational Centre as a place for meeting with the community, informing people and sharing our mission
Building identity Quality Staff as a Treasure How to support our staff ? Understanding of the mission and values Welcoming of the new staff – 1st day in work - knowing the history (roots) Staff training – Training Centre of Slezska diakonie Spiritual care – conferences, individual care, collaboration with church
Celebration with staff members their working anniversaries - 10, 20 and 25 years in the organization
The “school” of a healthy back The “school” of fashion style The “school” of a healthy back
Public appreciation event for local and international volunteers
Meeting with retired employees Meeting with mothers on maternity leave
Discussion groups What are the prejudices towards the social services? Identify one challenge in raising awareness about the social services. Could you please share concrete successful project/idea for raising awareness? Is there a struggle for a christian identity in your context? In which way?
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1. John 3, 18
Thank you for your attention! Mgr. Karla Glosová