Supporting Older Persons’ Rights Mrs Zornitsa Roussinova Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria AGE Platform Europe Annual Conference “Supporting Older Persons’ Right to Self-Determination” 6 June 2018, Brussels
Thinking about the future Changing realities in the European societies A need to address the challenges and opportunities related to the future of work in the context of a lifecycle approach
Future funding for Social Europe Discussion on the future of employment and social policies in the post-2020 context is of crucial importance The necessary funding should support national efforts: for better employment opportunities; in the fight against poverty and for higher degree of social inclusion; for higher growth and sustainable jobs
Ensuring the rights of persons with disabilities Ensuring full enjoyment of all rights and freedoms by persons with disabilities without any discrimination. It is important to increase the opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in society, including through better accessibility – a priority of the current Presidency Trio.
Demographic situation in Bulgaria Ageing population is emerging as a long-lasting and hardly reversible social process for European countries. According to EUROSTAT, the share of the population aged over 65 in Bulgaria will increase from 17.4% in 2010 to 32.7% in 2060. The Bulgarian government seeks to take a balanced approach to ageing by promoting the activity of the elderly and at the same time providing conditions for their full participation in social and economic terms.
The measures are aimed at achieving a high quality life for people of all ages, improving productivity, greater solidarity between generations and social cohesion in an ageing society. The strategic goal in terms of ageing is to create conditions for active and dignified life for older people.
Development of long-term care Social services are an important element of the long-term care system. It is extremely important to develop innovative and integrated long-term care services that support elderly people and people with disabilities to live in their home environment while maintaining their autonomy, independence and inclusion in the community.
Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Long-term Care for the period 2018-2021 envisages: construction of 100 new social services for 2,140 users; development of patronage care for people with disabilities and elderly people dependent on care. Social services in home environment are funded by HRDOP and the state budget: Operation Independent Life – approx. 75 million EURO; funding from the state budget for 2018 – approx. 34 million EURO.
Conclusion The new demographic realities require commitment and input from all stakeholders – state institutions, local authorities, social partners, non-governmental sector, in defining the challenges and ensuring the full enjoyment of older persons’ rights.
for your attention Mrs Zornitsa Roussinova Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria