Would You Believe? Exploring Fantasy Week 2 Day 1
Objectives: As a result in learning, you will: Be able to identify character interactions Make inferences about characters based on how they respond to challenges
Essential questions: What is this genre? How did you know? What is the story really about? How does the character respond to challenges? What can you infer about the character?
Vocabulary: Fantasy: fantasy is fiction that contains unrealistic or unworldly elements, such as magic. It includes modern fantasy (which has a known author) and science fiction. Fiction: A narrative that is imagined rather than real. Theme: The author's message or lesson in the story.
Launching the thinking: Let’s view the clip, “Captured from the Borrowers” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI91kxElMTo We will discuss how characters can have various ways in which they react to an event or challenge.
In the clip, the woman (a borrower) is captured by the man. She runs around and then kicks and screams when he picks her up. We can infer that the character is scared and not very brave. Since the man didn’t seem surprised when he found the borrower, we can infer he may be used to seeing unusual things and does not frighten very easily.
This week: You will Read or listen to multiple fantasy texts and identify how the characters interact within a text. I will Model how to make inferences about characters based on how they respond to challenges.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Finish chapter one today. Vocabulary quiz tomorrow. You may choose to study during your word work time. We will begin reading chapter 2 tomorrow.