Feedback on discussions Presentation on TWG Meetings Feedback on discussions Prepared by Yawodjin Agbemadon, WASH Advisor, Save the Children
TWG OBJECTIVES Support the sector to improve coordination, harmonization of the technical designs and approaches of WASH implementation Provide strategic guidance and support development of innovative approaches, technologies and tools for the WASH Sector in Nigeria; Support review and updating of the current Emergency WASH guideline document;
TWG members 1. UNICEF, Lead Agency 2. Save the Children, Co-lead Agency 3. ACF, Member, 4. IOM, Member; 5. OXFAM, Member 6. Solidarite International, Member 7. RUWASSA, Member 8. MSF France
Inventory of chapters/sections / paragraphs of WASH guidelines which need to be updated/amended in light of the current context PAGE/SECTION/CHAPTER CONCERN/SUGESTION Acknowledgement, Limitation, Acronyms To be updated Page 9 : Access to Water and Sanitation Situational analysis needs to be updated based on recent data from the JMP/WHO/UNICEF report, REACH Assessment, Sector data analysis Page 13: Institutional WASH in Emergency Structure There is a need to map out all stakeholders including donors, actors who recently joined the response. This should also include an updated 5W map. Page 19: Diarrhoea rates and Cholera The information on Diarrhoea rates and Cholera section needs to be updated based on the recent response to Cholera outbreak Page 21: Operational Principles and practices Needs to be reviewed to include basic principles for design, operation and maintenance. It should include pictures of best practices. Page 28. Water quality Operational principles and practices Review with minimum requirement for turbidity (Maximum 5 NTU in current could not apply to emergency). Include in this section information, on how to address issues of chemical contaminants. It could also provide information on reverse osmose technics.
Page 30: table 9, variable rate chlorinator include specification for DC and AC models. The issue of dosing pump which was not recommended in the current guideline should be further discussed to propose specification that matched solar powered boreholes. Page 33: Sanitation Minimum standards need to be reviewed with clear justification of why choosing National instead of Sphere. (i.e National 50p/latrine vs Sphere 30p/latrine). Page 34: Option 1, 2 Review sections and add more options (i.e double vault latrine, pour flash etc.) Page 45: Operation and maintenance Operation and maintenance should be reviewed to include conditions of construction and utilization. Page 46: Cost of desludging Update cost of desludging and cost of community member Kit Page 57: Waste management Update section/ add different models of incinerators. Page 60: Nutrition and Food security Updated GAM and SAM data. Include minimum pack for FSL CP and Education Page 63: Cholera Include available bleach (hypo 3.5%) Review jar test. Use 10 litre volume rather than 20l Correct Calculation: 0.5 L instead of 5L Include IEC Material Review minimum Cholera kits Include “shield” and “sword” approach Page 77 Emergency Latrine design Review design to prioritize on site treatment Page 88 Water infrastructure Include hybrid system ( DC and AC-Solar); Include mobilization and utilisation of Surface water sources Page 96: Determining chlorine dosage Review calculation 0.5L not 5L
Latrine design Cultural consideration and protection issues should be taken into account in designing latrines; (gender segregating, back to back arrangement, etc.) Pit volume/dimension (depth) should be adjustable to users and context based on dimensioning formula provided; Latrines should be attached to bathrooms to avoid being used for bathing, and the drop hole should be raised above the floor. The design should include one cubicle bloc, 2 cubicle bloc, 3 cubicles bloc and 4 cubicle bloc; with separated BOQ. A lid should be provided for each latrine. Design should include 3 types of superstructure: permanent with concrete blocks, semi- permanent with zinc and temporary with tarpaulin. Full description of each latrine parts and functions should be attached to the drawing
Consider on-site-treatment of sludge (example of double vault VIP latrines and pour flash latrines presented by Save the Children)
Cholera Response protocols/Strategy. Current response strategy is not in line with the regional strategy developed by the West and Central Africa Cholera platform to control and prevent Cholera outbreak. The regional strategy recommend the “Shield” and “Sword” approach. There is a need to review the guideline to include “shield” and “sword” approach in the cholera section. Practical evidence was presented showing that, timely disinfection/ spraying with 0.2% chlorine solution in affected camps/shelters had had impact on the decrease of number of new cholera cases In addition, spraying activities also inform population that there is a danger and high risk of contamination in their affected community so they have to be alert. A case study is recommended in Dikwa for in-depth analysis of existing data to highlight the importance of spraying/disinfection. This case study should also emphasize the cost effectiveness of spraying/disinfection. Cholera response should include installation of hand washing station with soap/chorine at check point before entering any camp or community
Harmonization of WASH kits The minimum Cholera WASH Kit should contain items for water collection, water storage; water treatment, hand washing, and rehydration solution (to cope with acute watery diarrhoea). Specifics item could be adapted on the basis of their availability at local level and the knowledge and practices of the targeted communities (for example, water Gard could be provided in lieu of Aquatabs if available local for water treatment) The list of minimum kit needs to be updated in the guidelines with their unit cost