Holy Orders Unit 3 Chapter 7
Bishops-episcopate Ephesians 4:11-12 “the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders” (214) Apostolic succession- each bishop ordained extends back to the 12 Apostles Laying of hands College of Bishops-The assembly of bishops, headed by the Pope, that holds the teaching authority and responsibility of the Church. Bishops are able to administer all seven Sacraments At ordination to the episcopate become empowered to confer the 3 degrees
Bishops are chosen by the Pope based on recommendations Maybe placed in any diocese Diocese: “particular” or “local” Church, regional community of believers. Which is the Diocese which is the Archdiocese?
Levels of Bishops Bishops chief shepherd and primary administrator of a diocese 3 titles of Bishops Diocesan bishop-chief shepherd of a diocese Auxiliary bishop-bishops who assists a diocesan bishop in his responsibility Archbishop-chief shepherd of an archdiocese Gustavo Garcia-Siller
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo What about Cardinals? All Cardinals are Bishops Cardinals have jurisdiction anywhere in the world. Advisors to the Pope in the College of Cardinals Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo Leads the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Read pg. 218-222 Who Can Receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Holy Orders Unit 3
Journal #5 The Experience “We had the experience but missed the meaning. And approach to meaning restores the experience in a different form.” T.S Elliot When in your life have you had the experience, but missed the meaning? Only to later in hindsight realize that something minor was in fact significant for your life or understanding. Take the time to reflect on an experience you have had and try to extrapolate the meaning (an experience can be anything). Does this change you understanding of the experience or of those you experienced it with?
Journal #6 Listen to and reflect on the words of Henri Nouwen Nouwen on Community Listen to and reflect on the words of Henri Nouwen What does the word community mean to you? How has your community here at Central Catholic grown and changed over the past 4 years? Has community shaped you into a different person? A better person? A worse person? “we are alive not for ourselves but for one another.” what are the implication of this phrase
Journal #7 Change Choose a quote from the list on change and reflect on that quote. Why did you choose this quote? What about it speaks to you? Do you handle change well? Do you fear change? Try to avoid change? What do you do when it comes to change? One of the characteristics of Marianist Education is Adaptation and Change. Why do you think that is? Is this a good skill to possess?
3 Levels of Holy Orders 1. Episcopate (Bishop/ Most Rev)– this is the highest form of the Priesthood. They have the grace to guide, shepherd and sanctify the Church 2. Presbyterate (Priest/Rev or Very Rev) – serve the Bishop by proclaiming the word and offering sacrifices. They are able to celebrate the mysteries of the Sacraments. 3. Diaconate (Deacon Rev) – serve the Bishop by aiding in worship, charity and pastoral preaching….(baptisms, funerals and marriage)
Quick Review Bishops: Three main task of the bishop: Archbishops- honorary title for a bishop who serves a larger diocese or diocese of special importance Three main task of the bishop: To teach, to sanctify, and to govern Ecumenism- the movement that seeks Christian unity and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world Process for selecting a bishop?
Process of choosing a Bishop Provenience meeting: overseen by the archbishop Names of “worthy candidates” then passed on to the USCCB: Committee of the selection of bishops Nominations forwarded to the Nuncio Nuncio then draws up a list of three names-terna- that is sent o the Vatican Pope approves selection
Tell me is it a: Priest, Bishop, or Deacon Comes from the word “presbyteroi” Stephen was the first Means “overseer” Co-worker with the bishop The Pope Means to “wait on” or “to serve” Descendant of the apostles Belongs to a special college “Ordinary” of a diocese Successor to St. Peter Can be a married man Usually the pastor of a parish Possesses the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders Can be transitional or permanent Assists the bishop and presbyters Offer the Eucharist is his principle power
The Priesthood The Call is an informal process “The history of every priestly vocation, indeed of every Christian vocation, is the inexpressible dialogue between human beings, between the love of God who calls and the freedom of individuals who lovingly respond to him.” Aspirancy- person is aspiring to know more about the priestly vocation 4-5 month period Official application is written, letters of rec, transcripts, psych-evaluation, and interview
Ordination Read pages 241-243
Why do we call priest “father”? A term of respect showing the relationship between the laity and their priest. The priest is a spiritual father. Providing for the spiritual needs of his parish people Biblical use ACTS 7:12, Corinthians 4:14-16
Priest work in union with the Bishop Preaches the Gospel (teaching), celebrates mass (sanctifying), pastoral governance (governing) Priesthood is rooted in Jesus and the Apostles Minister the sacraments of: baptism, reconciliation, marriage, anointing of the sick, Minister wherever the Bishop sends them Parish, school, hospital, work in the central diocesan office, work in the seminaries
Teaching, Governing, Sanctifying “make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all I have commanded of you.” (Matt 28:19-20) Teach today by: Govern Called to govern the Church as Christ’s instrument and representative Good use of resources on the parish and diocese level Universities and schools Set liturgical and sacramental practices within his diocese
Sanctify- to make holy This is done through the celebration of the Sacraments Sacrament of Baptism- clergy work with God to restore grace Sacrament of Reconciliation- help reconcile a individuals relationship with God Do they remember what I say in confession? Loyal to Bishop or Religious Superior? A: Though not strictly bound to obedience towards the local bishop, religious are called to respect the authority of his office since it represents part of the magisterium of the Church. So often, people will ask if I remember people’s sin from Confession. As a priest, I rarely, if ever, remember sins from the confessional. That might seem impossible, but the truth is, sins aren’t all that impressive. They aren’t like memorable sunsets or meteor showers or super-intriguing movies… they are more like the garbage. And if sins are like garbage, then the priest is like God’s garbage-man. If you ask a garbage-man about the gross-est thing he’s ever had to haul to the dump, maaaaaaybe he could remember it. But the fact is, once you get used to taking out the trash, it ceases to be noteworthy, it ceases to stand out. Honestly, once you realize that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is less about the sin and more about Christ’s death and resurrection having victory in a person’s life, the sins lose all of their luster, and Jesus’ victory takes center stage.
Diocesan Priest vs. Religious Order Priest Part of a particular church, or diocese Under direction of the Bishop Confined to the diocese geography Promises: Obey bishop, pray liturgy of the hours, and committed to chastity Belongs to a particular order: Jesuit, Marianist, Franciscan Ordained after final commitment to religious group Religious superior request Bishop to make a brother a priest Respects Bishop, but obedient to superior of his order Vows: Poverty, chastity, and obedience http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/12/living/confessions-catholic-priest/