London Region Transforming Care Programme Finola Syron Latest data period: July 2018 Data source: NHS Digital Assuring Transformation
London Highlights London performance London has not yet met the 2018/19 Q2 trajectory, at the end of July 2018. At the end of July 2018 they were ~36 patients above the Q2 2018/19 (279) planned trajectory. NWL, SEL, ONEL and NCL TCPs are above their Q2 2018/19 planned trajectories. Admissions and discharges There were ~25 discharges in July 2018 compared to ~5 admissions, therefore inpatient numbers reduced by ~20. Patients with LOS >5 years London are not yet meeting the 2018/19 Q2 trajectory, at the end of July 2018. London are ~6 patients above the Q2 2018/19 planned trajectory. Under 18 admission CTRs Only ~30% of patients under 18 admitted in the last 3 months had an admission CTR within the policy timeframe. London is not on track to meet the annual target of 75%. Adult admission CTRs Only ~35% of adults admitted in the last 3 months had an admission CTR within the policy timeframe. London is not on track to meet the annual target of 75%. Under 18 repeat CTRs ~55% of current patients under 18 have had a CTR within the last 3 months. Therefore, although under 18s are not getting an admission CTR within the timeframe, CTRs that are being done after the admission CTR timeframe are helping performance against the repeat CTR policy. Non-secure adult repeat CTRs Only ~35% of non-secure adults have had a CTR within the last 6 months. While this proportion has been increasing, it is 15% away to meeting the annual target of 50%. This data may be shared with by authorised persons only - written permission is necessary
London inpatient numbers There are now around 315 inpatients in London (July 2018). An average of 12 patients are admitted to inpatient care each month. To meet BRS / plans of 247 inpatients in London by March 2019, we need to discharge 21 patients a month and only admit 12 patients a month. Only 2 out of the 6 TCPs are meeting their plans at the moment. It is mainly CCG commissioned beds that are off plan, not Specialised Commissioning beds.
Admission Care & Treatment Reviews Under 18s: ~30% of admitted patients under the age of 18 had received a pre-admission CTR within 28 days or post-admission CTR within 14 days of admission in the last rolling quarter, compared with ~30% in the previous rolling quarter. The March 2019 target for under 18s is 75%. Adults: ~35% of admitted adult patients had received a pre-admission CTR within 28 days or post-admission CTR within 28 days of admission in the last rolling quarter, compared with ~40% performance in the previous rolling quarter. The March 2019 target for adults is 60%. Please note NHS England is unable to share unsuppressed NHS Digital data. All actual figures have been rounded to the nearest 5. This data may be shared with by authorised persons only - written permission is necessary
Looking ahead Community forensic services for people with LD / ASD National funding is ringfenced for pan-London forensic services, with £650k available until March 2019 Task and finish groups are scheduled for 19 and 20 September for South and North London respectively The purpose of these is to clarify service constraints (i.e. funding, timescales, geography) Governance has been refreshed in order to provide a strategic decision-making forum, as well as an operational forum that gives clinicians and commissioners a voice Identifying potential service user need in-area is the next step Intensive support function National funding for ISF has been devolved, with £500k available across London until March 2019 All six TCPs are submitting proposals to NHSE National by Thursday, 20 September for approval These will focus on delivering benefit in-year to the TC cohort in-area, likely bolstering existing services or individual opportunities for support Mobilisation and roll-out plans will be developed in more detail following national approval Legacy CTRs Quality assurance framework Capacity planning for beds for the future