13.3 The Protestant Reformation OBJECTIVES Summarize the factors that encouraged the Protestant Reformation. Analyze Martin Luther’s role in shaping the Protestant Reformation. Explain the teachings and impact of John Calvin.
Protestant Reformation WHEN It began in 1517 WHO It was launched by Martin Luther WHAT The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement Protestant = someone who protests Reformation = to reform the Church WHY To “reform” means to improve – in this case the Church Reformers, (Erasmus) wanted to improve the Church Revolutionaries (Luther) had to leave the Church They had no choice: The Church labeled them heretics and burned them at the stake
Protestant Reformation HOW Martin Luther broke away and formed his own church. 95 Theses – List of wrong doings by the Church (indulgences at top of list) The Church said: To achieve salvation, you must do “good works” The Bible (and Luther) said: You simply need to have faith. Debated the idea of Pope/clergy being supreme WHERE Wittenberg, Germany 1521 Luther excommunicated Edict of Worms – open season on Protestants 1530 Augsburg Confession – Luther supposed to recant 1555 Peace of Augsburg – Germany split in two (N vs. S), brought religious upheaval for next 100 yrs.
Religious Causes 1200s – 1300s, Pope was powerful. Over centuries, the Pope became very powerful in Catholic Church 1200s: Pope at peak of power. More powerful than kings. 1300s: Strong kings emerge in England & France. Pope looses power 1309 – 1400, There was no leadership 1300s: No Pope in Rome 1309: Pope fled from Rome to Avignon, France (exiled) 1378: Pope moves back to Rome Cardinals in Rome had elected another Pope For 40 years, several men claimed to be Pope
Religious Causes Church ignores the individual Buying salvation Years of unrest in Europe made people feel really religious (Black Death, 100 Years War) Church looses site of its mission Buying salvation Indulgences: pieces of paper that a person could buy to get salvation If you paid money, you could buy forgiveness of sins (even if you were dead) – indulgence If you paid money, you could buy a job in the Church – simony Money corrupted the Church – needed a lot of it to support heirarchy The Church said: To gain salvation, you must do good works (a.k.a. Pay money)
Critics within the Church John Wycliffe (1328 – 1384), English religious philosopher Radical ideas: People do not have to obey an unjust priest, bishop or Pope Priests are not superior to regular people The Bible (not the Church) is the ultimate authority First to translate Bible into English Wanted people to read it for themselves Put on trial for heresy Saved by king of England Impact Followers started their own church (The Lollards) Average people found this church appealing BACKGROUND Began as Catholic priest Became philosophy professor Outraged b/c: 1300s was time of horrible suffering (Black Death, Hundred Years War) Church full of corrupt people Church did little to help the average person Looked for solutions Could an honest king punish a dishonest Pope? Could an honest king overrule an unfair church law? RADICAL IDEAS Contrary to church teachings, priests do not perform miracles During Communion, they do not turn bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ IMPACT Forerunner to the Reformation
Protestant Reformation John Calvin (1509 – 1564), Switzerland Religion Agreed with other reformers: Bible is supreme Salvation by faith Priesthood of all believers (anyone can commune with God) Ministers perform sacraments (baptism & communion) Influenced many Protestant churches: France = Huguenots Netherlands = Dutch Reformed Church Scotland = Presbyterians England/Colonial America = Puritans
Protestant Reformation John Calvin (1509 – 1564), Switzerland Believed in democratic principles Elected leader of Geneva, Switzerland Had a Representative, Constitutional Government Separation of Church and State Predestination: God chose the elect – those few who were saved Never new who was saved or damned Work hard & be thrifty Sign you were among the elect: success with money
RESULTS Europe was divided. Counter Reformation, 1534 – 1598 North = Protestant South = Catholic Counter Reformation, 1534 – 1598 Church revitalized itself and halted spread of Protestantism Nationalism Each country got its own state church: Germany = Lutherans Scotland = Presbyterian England = Church of England Dissidents from any of these went to America